Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 29, 2015

In the mind of the colored folk, the goal of any politician – nay, the goal of any public figure whatever – should be to get them ready to screw White America.
As such, these brown bulls are becoming confused and enraged by The Donald’s refusal to prep them.
Mexicans are outraged at the Donald, even though they won’t actually vote for the GOP no matter what, in any relevant numbers. Even with Jeb Cuck, who speaks only Spanish at home with his Mexican family, running. Because no matter how much he can give them, the Democrats will give them more.
Indians are now also expressing outrage.
Ishaan Tharoor (@ishaantharoor) of the Onion-style fake newspaper The Washington Post, who recently wrote an article about how “tens of thousands” of non-White immigrants are going to “save Europe,” yesterday joined the chorus of attackers claiming that The Donald is a neo-Nazi icon and must be stopped.
The aggressive bull, concerned that he might soon go unprepped, Tweeted this when comparing Donald to neo-Nazis in Europe:
This is an actual Donald Trump meme, made by actual Donald Trump supporters (not linking to site where it turned up)
— Ishaan Tharoor (@ishaantharoor) August 27, 2015
“I won’t link to where I found it” he says. Because as everyone knows, real reporting is about hinting at things slyly, rather than giving direct information.
For those who can’t guess, the image he tweeted was from this very site.
Silly monkey – journalism is for humans!
I questioned him on Twitter about why it is that he left the diverse paradise of India, simply to be oppressed and abused in racist America.
The question is, why did @ishaantharoor leave the diverse and vibrant land of India for the racist hellhole of USA?
— Andrew Anglin (@stormer9k) August 28, 2015
But he didn’t respond. Blocked me instead.
Whoops. Guess I hurt someone's feelings. @ishaantharoor After all, he came to our country to teach us a lesson.
— Andrew Anglin (@stormer9k) August 28, 2015
But I’m sure he saw my further questioning, since people retweeted it.
I just don't get it, @ishaantharoor. Your country is so beautiful. why be oppressed by us evil racists in the US?
— Andrew Anglin (@stormer9k) August 29, 2015
It’s a very simple question, Ishaan:
What the hell are you doing in my country, complaining about my people, when you have your own country you could go live in?
Very, very, very simple.
But no response. Just “Wahhhhh!!!!! I want someone to prep me so I can screw Whitey out of everything his ancestors built for him!”
The filthy street-pooper even had the nerve to refer to Western civilization as “the detritus of history.”
@rpatton40 @stormer9k @TheLibertyLamp @BlackAutonomist Learn yours. You are the detritus of history.
— Ishaan Tharoor (@ishaantharoor) August 28, 2015
This is coming from a man who comes from a country where 53% of people defaecate outside.

The UN has literally launched massive campaigns, begging these people to use toilets.

Experts allege that 200,000 children a year die because these “people” refuse to use toilets.

And he’s going to call Western civilization “the detritus of history”?
For how much longer are the masses going to take men like this seriously? It is all now objectively cartoonish. This monkey is an editor of one of the biggest newspapers in America.
Of course, Isaan’s issue with The Donald is that his immigration paper, which was partially written by Jeff Sessions and has the full approval of Anne Coulter, not only deals with illegals but also the street-poopers who are being brought in on H-1B visas to replace White tech workers.
The point is, it doesn’t matter.
Latinos won’t vote GOP and very few of the Indians currently flooding our base have obtained the right to vote, and obviously when they do (and they will, if the Jews have their way), they will also vote liberal. All brown people will always vote liberal, because they want free things from Whitey, and no matter how many free things the GOP promises, the Dems will always provide more.
And the fact is, the more hate that the Donald gets from these colored folk, the better he looks to White America.