Colored Faggot Convicted of Molesting Little League Boy

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
August 11, 2017

Eris Murray.

For as much as the media lauds the masculinity of the coloreds, they sure do seem to have a lot of faggots.


A former youth soccer coach has been found guilty of sexually abusing a former player years ago when the child who was between 8 and 12 years old.

Eris Murray, 55, of Hanover, was found guilty by an Anne Arundel County jury of Sex Abuse of a Minor, Second Degree Sex Offense, and Sodomy, according to a statement from State’s Attorney Wes Adams.

Anne Arundel County Police said the victim told the Department of Social Services last October that Murray sexually abused him twice while Murray was coaching for the Maryland City Mustangs between four and eight years ago. He said Murray was also a family friend and the abuse happened at Murray’s home.

It isn’t just your daughters that are unsafe around these “people.”

It’s also your sons.

No one, under any circumstance, should ever relax around blacks.