Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 21, 2015

A colorful madman launched a full-frontal assault on the Louis Armstrong International Airport with a machete and a can of insecticide.
The vibrant gentleman has been identified as 62-year-old taxi driver Richard White. Going full-African tribal berskerer, Mr. White sprayed someone in the face with wasp spray and then sliced a TSA agent with his 14-inch machete while trying to force his way through a police checkpoint, before being shot three times by Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s deputy.

Africa is now in America in full-force. Please enjoy it as much as you can.
Police are still trying to determine why White was at the airport, since it does not appear he was boarding a plane, said Jefferson Parish Sheriff Newell Normand said.
Videos and photos shot by witnesses show the bloody aftermath of the attack, allegedly by the machete-wielding White, who charged the TSA checkpoint at Concourse B, home to Southwest Airlines.
“People had heard gunshots. Everyone was hiding behind chairs and in doorways,” witness Farah Stockman, a journalist from Boston, tweeted. “Made our way to exit. Body was lying in a pool of blood.”
A TSA agent apparently dodged serious injury by using a piece of luggage to shield a machete blow, Normand said.
“Ah gots me mah sword, nah whats else does ah needs…. oh, right, bug spray. Gonna do a holocaust on these crackas.”
I give this particular Negro a “C” for “creativity.” Who thinks to bring bug spray to a samurai-style attack?

I guess we should be glad this wasn’t a Moslem terrorist attack, and was instead just the standard “drugged out Negro acting wacky” form of terrorism we are so accustomed to in this country. At the same time, we should ask ourselves: do we deserve this in our society? Would it not be better if we didn’t have this sort of thing going on? Wouldn’t you prefer to go to the airport, and not have to worry if some colorful is going to re-enact a samurai film at security?
I think we at least, as White people have a right to imagine what society would be like without all of this color. And to be certain, it would be a lot less bloody.