Columbus Gave Everyone Ebola in 1492

Julian Carmen
Daily Stormer
October 13, 2014

In the name of the King: You now have Ebola.

Christopher Columbus sailed to the Americas in 1492 and infected all of the noble, hygienic natives with Ebola. Or something. While it would be hard to take a time machine back to 1492 to verify this for ourselves, in light of what is happening in the world today, and in light of how the Jews constantly lie to us, should we really just accept at face value the story that Columbus infected the Natives – ALL the Natives – when he arrived on a random beach somewhere in the Americas?

Of course, it is no surprise that the Jews would deliberately try to destroy one of America’s most recognizable holidays. It is all Columbus’ fault of course that he discovered America so that blacks could become enslaved only to then be freed so they could get endless welfare. What a racist! Christmas is too far away to complain about, and we can’t have a holiday involving some white person, so let’s all attack Columbus Day.

Fast forward to 2014, and now we have African savages sailing to America to infect us all with Ebola. How can it be that Columbus, who did not even know he was heading towards America, and who could not have possibly known the natives would be sickened by his 1492 era Ebola, is worse than Africans knowingly infected with Ebola, knowingly coming to America to infect us all? Columbus: racist, Ebola victims: heroes! The Ebola victims are also allowed to take an airplane to America, something Columbus could not have done. I wonder if the Jew CDC director would turn back Columbus in this day and age to make room for more Ebola zombies.

Ebola-Chan, you know who to target first! Godspeed.

Speaking of which, the Jew CDC director Tom Frieden said in an interview with CBS “Clearly there was a breach in protocol,” after a second Ebola case. Yes, Tom, clearly there was a breach in protocol when they hired a subversive genocidal Jew to be the head of the CDC. Is allowing fresh Ebola Zombies into the country not also a breach of protocol? I realize this Ebola virus is fairly new, except for that stint in 1492, so there might not be too many protocols about it, but is balancing the threat of an Ebola epidemic with the possible hurt feelings due to racism really not a breach of protocol?

The face of a befuddled genius and Nobel Prize Loser.

So what does the Nobel Prize fraud President Obola have to say about a second case from the totally harmless Ebola virus? Well nothing really, but another Nobel Prize loser Paul Krugman said in a recent interview that President Barack Obama was one of the most successful presidents in American history, topping even Ronald Reagan. Really? Obama has ignored all safety measures, even basic ones, while patients drop dead from Ebola, and so that makes him successful? Are the Jews being more obvious with their genocidal plot or do they just enjoy making fools out of themselves?

So, while you are protesting Columbus Day today, remember that over 500 years ago, Columbus gave all the Natives Ebola and he’s racist, but the Ebola Zombies currently giving you Ebola are heroic refugees whom you should love and embrace.

Ebola-Chan, Save us!