Columbus: White Man Meets Up with Teenaper to Purchase PS3, Gets Murdered

Kyvion Jacobs.

I know some of you like your gaming consoles, and that’s fine.

But here’s an undeniable fact: if Kyle Haseley had been a member of the PC master race, he’d still be alive right now.

He’d also still be alive if he hadn’t met up with a nigger.

That is also true.

ABC 6:

A Columbus teen is facing some serious time if he’s convicted of murder. Prosecutors want to try, Kyvion Jacobs as an adult, given his lengthy criminal history.

On Thursday, ABC6/FOX28 saw his family by his side, hoping to get him out of jail.

“Kyvion is present in court today for a preliminary hearing on delinquency allegations of aggravated robbery and aggravated murder,” said the judge as he started Jacobs’ preliminary hearing.

The 17-year-old sat quietly in court as he heard his charges. Next to him was his public defender and his grandmother, who has sole custody of him. Court documents show that he’s been in and out of the juvenile detention center since he was 14 years old. He was “disobedient,” “would come and go as he pleases,” and incorrigible. He’s been charged with a felony of receiving stolen property. Then, more serious crimes started March of this year: brandishing a firearm, aggravated robbery, and now being charged with murder.

On March 6th Columbus Police said Jacobs met 25-year-old Kyle Haseley in the Linden area to buy a PS3. They connected through a social media app, called “offer-up.” Then, police said Jacobs robbed Haseley and shot him in the head. He died six days later. Jacobs’ grandmother was willing to take him home so he would stay out of the juvenile detention center.

Kyle Haseley.