Column on Rachel Dolezal Says Race is Genetic Construct

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 1, 2015


As I said when the Rachel Dolezal scandal first emerged, the SJWs have two choices: accept that she is as Black as any African, or admit that race is genetic and face all of the consequences of this reality.

They have run around in circles on the issue, saying little of anything at all, and then basically let the issue drop out of sight.

But a USA Today columnist has brought it back up with the bizarre declaration that race is a genetic reality.

These are the column’s authors.

Alex Berezow, founding editor of RealClearScience, holds a PhD in microbiology, is a member of USA TODAY’s Board of Contributors, and is co-author of Science Left Behind. Razib Khan is a PhD candidate in integrative genetics and genomics at University of California-Davis and a science writer who specializes in population genetics.

And here is what they’re saying/admitting.

First, those who contend that Dolezal is perfectly free to identify as “black” are engaging in relativism — i.e., that each person is entitled to define truth as he or she sees it. That line of reasoning might work in sociology or the social sciences, but it does not work in genetics.

Second, the idea that race is either biological or sociological is a false dichotomy; it is manifestly both a biological and social construct. The relevant question, therefore, is: “To what extent does the biological factor matter?” Different geneticists give different answers. Some, such as Michael White and Alan Templeton at Washington University in St. Louis, say it doesn’t matter at all and that race is not a biologically justifiable concept.

That is, in fact, the standard and accepted SJW position: “race does not exist.”

Others, however, argue that genetics still matters quite a bit. Genetic diseases tend to cluster among certain races and ethnicities. For instance, sickle cell anemia is found primarily among blacks, cystic fibrosis among whites of European descent, and Tay-Sachs disease among Ashkenazi Jews.

This is a reflection of the fact that human populations exhibit significant structure, which is a record of our history as a species.

That is the position of “racists,” and you can be crucified or arrested for bringing it up in certain contexts.

The point is neither that genetics is fate nor that it determines everything about you. The environment also plays a significant role in developing the person you become, and that certainly includes racial identity.

But the history of human evolution, including race, is real, genetically traceable, and cannot be denied. Race, therefore, is a reflection of our history and geography. It is scientifically inaccurate to reduce human populations to mere social constructions and arbitrary crystallizations of power relations.

Rather, genetics compels us to view race and ethnicity as part of a larger journey that started with our first ancestors who evolved over the course of tens of thousands of years into the riotous colors and shapes that we recognize as human.


This is quite a thing.

I seriously doubt that this is going to get any traction in the mainstream, however, and they will instead continue to allow the Dolezal story to slip down the memory hole and hope a transracial movement does not emerge.