Comey’s Columbia Kike Leaker Goes Into Hiding Following Testimony

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 9, 2017

What is with Jewish people always needing to go into hiding?

And what is with powerful non-Jews always being best friends with Jews?

New York Post:

A Columbia University professor from Brooklyn went into hiding Thursday after pal James Comey revealed during his Senate testimony that the man leaked memos detailing the former FBI chief’s conversations with President Trump to the press.

Daniel Richman confirmed by e-mail to several reporters that he was the “good friend” and law-school prof who Comey slipped the documents — then hightailed it out of his tony Brooklyn Heights home and refused to answer any more questions.

Comey had just told a Senate Intelligence Committee that Richman was the conduit for the memo, which documented Trump asking Comey to drop the FBI’s probe into former National Security Adviser Mike Flynn.

Richman is a former federal prosecutor who worked with Comey at Columbia in 2013. His Ivy League university’s Web site crashed as people nationwide frantically tried to find out more about the mysterious middle man suddenly thrust into the biggest story in the country.

But Richman had vanished from his Henry Street digs by midday, and family members, friends and neighbors wouldn’t answer doors or phone calls to shed any more light.

In an article entitled “Some of James Comey’s best friends are Jewish (legal scholars),” the JTA adds regarding their relationship:

[Another Jewish lawyer friend of Comey’s, Brookings Institution fellow Benjamin] Wittes has not said how he and Comey became friends, nor has Richman, although both men were federal prosecutors in New York around the same time.

What we do know is that Comey, an Irish Catholic born in New York and raised in New Jersey, was close to Jewish organizations throughout his FBI career, and said he is enormously affected by the lessons of the Holocaust.

The week he was fired, his final speech as FBI director was to the Anti-Defamation League.

Yeah, he was fired a couple hours after it, lol.

It is wholly non-surprising a kike was the middleman here, and I would in fact just assume that it was at the urging of his kike friends that Comey decided to leak and force the appointment of this special counsel.

He lined the FBI with Jews, and right now it is a bunch of NYC Irish and Italian Trump loyalists trying to clean the place up.