Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 17, 2015

Here I am, writing about comic books again. And I will tell you the reason. Part of it is definitely just that comic books were an important part of my life growing up, and on some level, I still care about them (though I don’t read them, save for occasionally downloading them on bittorrent – of course only in countries where this is legal).
More importantly, however, is that despite what you think of comics, they are one of the realms that has still, until very recently, remained a place where men and boys have been able to avoid the judgemental and abusive gaze of feminists. Other such realms include video games and martial arts.
Tumblr, that bastion of social justice, has successfully lobbied to have a cover removed from a comic book.
The highly criticized variant cover for “Batgirl” #41 will not be published by DC Comics, CBR News has learned. This move was made at the request of the cover’s artist, Rafael Albuquerque.
“My intention was never to hurt or upset anyone through my art,” Albuquerque, the acclaimed artist of “American Vampire,” said in a statement. “For that reason, I have recommended to DC that the variant cover be pulled.”
The image was released Friday, as one of 25 Joker-themed variant covers scheduled for release in June. Albuquerque’s “Batgirl” variant took inspiration from Alan Moore and Brian Bolland’s famous 1988 story “Batman: The Killing Joke,” in which Barbara Gordon/Batgirl was shot and paralyzed by the Joker. It has been commonly interpreted, though not definitively established within the story, that the character was also sexually assaulted.
The “Batgirl” #41 variant quickly received criticism for highlighting a dark period in the character’s history, especially when juxtaposed with the current youthful, more optimistic direction of the series under the creative team of co-writers Cameron Stewart & Brenden Fletcher and artist Babs Tarr. Multiple websites ran editorials critical of the image, and the hashtag #changethecover drew dozens of posts on Twitter and Tumblr asking DC to not release the variant.
And here is the statement of the artist:
My Batgirl variant cover artwork was designed to pay homage to a comic that I really admire, and I know is a favorite of many readers. ‘The Killing Joke’ is part of Batgirl’s canon and artistically, I couldn’t avoid portraying the traumatic relationship between Barbara Gordon and the Joker.
For me, it was just a creepy cover that brought up something from the character’s past that I was able to interpret artistically. But it has become clear, that for others, it touched a very important nerve. I respect these opinions and, despite whether the discussion is right or wrong, no opinion should be discredited.
My intention was never to hurt or upset anyone through my art. For that reason, I have recommended to DC that the variant cover be pulled. I’m incredibly pleased that DC Comics is listening to my concerns and will not be publishing the cover art in June as previously announced.
With all due respect,
Just to note here, Alburquerque is Brazilian, and a fantastic artist. Here’s his webiste.
The Killing Joke is one of pretty well all comic fans’ favorite books, mostly due to the realism of it. For those who don’t know, Alan Moore is considered one of the best comic book writers of the modern age, having created V for Vendetta and Watchman, among many other classics.
The rape scene – and it is a rape scene – is just that. It is a portrayal of violent villains committing an act of sadism. It is in no way anti-woman, as it is a sympathetic character being raped by an antagonist.

However, feminism entered the realm of comic books in 1999 with something called “women in refrigerators,” wherein they claimed that female characters were portrayed in ways they didn’t like in comics, and demanded that the industry be changed to meet their demands.
Women in Refrigerators (or WiR[1]) is a website that was created in 1999 by a group of comic book fans and, more broadly, is a common comic book trope from which the website took its name. The website features a list of female comic book characters that have been injured, killed, or depowered as a plot device within various superhero comic books, and seeks to analyze why these plot devices are used disproportionately on female characters.
The term “Women in Refrigerators” was coined by writer Gail Simone as a name for the website in early 1999 during online discussions about comic books with friends. It refers to an incident in Green Lantern #54 (1994), written by Ron Marz, in which Kyle Rayner, the title hero, comes home to his apartment to find that his girlfriend, Alex DeWitt, had been killed by the villain Major Force and stuffed in a refrigerator.
Simone and her colleagues then developed a list of fictional female characters who had been “killed, maimed or depowered.” The list was then circulated via the Internet over Usenet, Bulletin Board System, e-mail and electronic mailing lists. Simone also e-mailed many comic book creators directly for their responses to the list.
The list is considered “infamous” in certain comic book fan circles. Respondents often found different meanings to the list itself, though Simone maintained that her “simple point (had) always been: If you demolish most of the characters girls like, then girls won’t read comics. That’s it!”
This gibberish was mostly ignored, given that comic books are such a small subculture, until #gamergate when the stupid Canadian bitch Anita Sarkeesian decided that comics needed to be attacked along with video games because men were doing something in their personal lives which she disagreed with.
So now, you have Tumblr campaigns by women and their friendzone fag-mates who have never read comics in their lives and don’t have any understanding at all of the themes of Alan Moore’s work, who come at it like “a woman got raped? No, you can’t do that. You can’t do it because I said you can’t. Change now.”
Women (feminists, technically, but it is very hard to tell the difference these days if we are talking about White women, as they have created a collective identity) have developed an obsession with forcing their way into male-dominated areas, and demanding things are changed to suit their needs. This is what #gamergate is about.

They seem to get involved purely for the reason of trying to break down the process of male bonding. I enjoy martial arts, and I can tell you that when a woman comes into the gym, the entire dynamic changes. The energies of maleness tense up. And this is done on purpose. The feminist, like the Jew, is threatened by the idea of a place existing where they are not welcome, not capable of exerting influence.
It is worthy of note that it is only White men who are forced to undergo this process of being forcibly subjected to the outrageous demands of women. It is simply another aspect of the Jewish war on the White man. It doesn’t benefit women, in any way, to stop men from telling stories which offend them. There is no reason for them to even be aware of this comic. They have been manipulated into believing that they need to secure power over men, and this doesn’t ever end until they have total control of everything. Stopping men from publishing an image which offends them is an exercise of this power, a demonstration that men will not do anything without their approval.

Note: For anyone trying to get a better understanding of what is going on here, check the #changethecover hashtag on Twitter. I really don’t understand where the feminists are coming from enough to explain it further than I have, and in my opinion, it is merely women exercising force over a male medium for the purpose of demonstrating their capacity to dominate men’s lives.