Eli Stenson
Daily Stormer
March 5, 2015

Starting in September, New York City schools will recognize the Moslem holidays of Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha, which means that school will be closed on those days.
Race-mixer and NYC mayor Bill de Blasio made the decision and spoke about the recognition of the holidays, along with other assorted individuals. What they said consisted of the quintessential crap you expect to hear.
“This is a common sense change and one that recognizes our growing Muslim community and honors its contributions to our city,” de Blasio said.
[Schools Chancellor Carmen] Fariña says the change reflects and honors the extraordinary diversity of the 1.1 million students enrolled in the largest U.S school district.“This new addition will also enable a teachable moment in the classroom for our students to learn about religious tolerance and the societal contributions of various cultures,” Fariña said.
Moslem contributions to society? This phrase seems to be constantly thrown around, especially by Barack Obozo. But I have yet to hear of any examples of these supposed contributions.