Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 29, 2014
Here you have a Dr. David Pook, one of the contributors to the Common Core education program, admitting that the he contributed to the program for the purpose of trying to bring down the White race to the level of the non-White occupiers.
He cites the quack theory of “White Privilege” as the main reason he decided to work on this Marxist program of indoctrination – he says he wanted non-Whites to have the “same opportunities” as the “privileged” Whites.
When considering the meaning of this, it is not hard to deduce that he is not talking about raising the non-Whites to the level of Whites – that is scienitifically impossible – but instead bringing Whites down to the level of the non-Whites.

This dumbing down of the White population through this terroristic federal program of retard-level brainwashing is taking place on all levels of the curriculum. The most obvious place to see this is in the way they have restructured the math program.
Here is how they are now teaching kids to do subtraction:

Seriously, that is actually what they are teaching. It is so weird that no one could ever understand it, thus Whites and Asians are as confused as the blacks and Mexicans.
Here is a man explaining the way they have destroyed the literature program, to ensure that our children are devoid of the ancestral framework of our divine soul.
The great Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein is replaced with stories of alligators in the sewer, people getting kidnapped for their kidneys and aliens at Rockwell. In 12th grade. Seriously, this isn’t a joke.
They then use the story of Frankenstein to call for multiculturalism.

At the same age 100 years ago, our children could read Ancient Greek and Latin, fluently.
We are through the looking glass here, people.
Stand up or lay down and die. There is no third option.