Daily Stormer
March 11, 2014

“Common Core” was created with the goal of narrowing the performance gap between Whites and the lower races. Instead, while dropping everyone’s test scores, it has dropped blacks and Latinos scores more than it has dropped White scores, and thus actually increased the disparity.
The actual numbers are almost unbelievable.
From the Huffington Post:
The uproar over high-stakes testing associated with Common Core in New York State and complaints that children are being tested on things they were not taught, has obscured the deepening of racial, ethnic and class divisions in education in New York and the United States. Not only are the tests unfair, but according to a new study by the National Urban Research Group (NURG), math instruction and the educational system in the United States are deeply unfair, especially to Black and Latino students from poorer families.
The study conducted by the National Urban Research Group , The Common Core Promise: A Baseline Assessment of New York City’s Implementation of Common Core Learning Standard, utilized data from 198,556 students in New York City Public Middle Schools who were administered the Common Core math assessment in Spring 2013. Based on their analysis of the data, NURG concluded, “If the 2013 Common Core math assessments are sensible proxies for grade-level expectations, then too many students in the New York City public school system are not prepared to meet the rigorous learning benchmarks. This is particularly the case for black students, Hispanic students, and students living in poverty.”
The results on the Common Core Math tests are disturbing for all students, but especially disturbing when broken down by race, ethnicity, and social class. While the percentage of New York City middle school students scoring at proficiency level (Level 3 and 4) dropped for all grades and all groups, it was much steeper for students from minority and poorer families. For example, in the sixth grade, Hispanic students recorded the steepest declines. Their proficiency rate dropped from 50.4 percent in 2012 to 17.4 percent in 2013. Black students had the second largest decline amongst sixth graders. Their proficiency rate dropped from 45.8 percent in 2012 to 15.3 percent in 2013. White and Asian sixth graders declined, but not by as much, and their proficiencies rates were significantly higher at 49.6% and 62%. Larger percentages of White and Asian students scored at the highest proficiency level (4) while larger percentages of Black and Hispanic students scored at the “well below proficient” level (1). The report found that proficiency scores were similar for seventh and eighth grade.
The NURG study found other socio-economic factors, especially family income, were important in predicting student success on the math exams. For example, in Manhattan Community School District 2, located in the white upper-middle class neighborhoods below Central Park, including Wall Street, the Upper East Side, and Battery Park City, 52% of sixth graders, 45% of seventh graders, and 48.1% of eighth graders scored at Common Core proficiency. Less than a mile away, a majority of students in Central Harlem Community School District 5 are eligible for federal-assisted free meal programs or reduced priced meals. In Central Harlem, except for one school, sixth graders had a disastrous Common Core math proficient rate of 7.8%, seventh graders 2.8%, and eighth graders 6.9%. Again, the study found similar disparities in the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, and Staten Island.
According to the NURG study, “a total number of 51,618 students, more than one-fourth of New York City’s middle school population, attend a school where 9 out of 10 students did not meet Common Core middle school math grade-level learning standards expectations. Nearly 90 percent of these lowest performing classrooms are located in three neighborhoods: the Bronx (40 percent), Central Brooklyn (23 percent), and Harlem (8 percent). A majority of families in these predominately African American and Latino neighborhoods of the Bronx (South Bronx), Brooklyn (including Central Brooklyn and Ocean Hill-Brownsville), and Manhattan (Central Harlem) struggle to meet their basic needs.