Benjamin Garland
Daily Stormer
June 21, 2015

An anti-White, open Communist SJW bitch named Emma Quangel – who is probably an Arab and not a Jew, given that she currently resides in Amman, Jordan – is being celebrated as a modern day hero for tracking down Dylann Storm Roof’s alleged manifesto, and thus destroying any possibility he would have to plead insanity.
From Daily Beast’s “How Twitter Sleuths Found Dylann’s Manifesto“:
It took two independent writers working together on Twitter and $49 dollars to make what could be one of the biggest discoveries yet in the case of Dylann Roof. In a South Carolina courtroom on Friday, Roof was charged with nine counts of murder for the killing of nine Black parishioners who invited him into their Bible study group. A webpage registered under Roof’s name contains a trove of photos of the suspected killer, and a white nationalist political manifesto.
Emma Quangel, the nom de guerre of writer and Twitter user @EMQuangel, discovered the website that appears to contain Roof’s manifesto. After I congratulated her for her investigative work, Quangel told me that she saw it as her duty. “As a communist,” Quangel said, “it is my duty and obligation to spend at least $49 to help ruin this guy’s insanity plea.”
The Red Arab bitch, who for some unknown reason is so concerned with crusading against White racism in America, despite residing in a backward hellhole country halfway across the planet, runs the interestingly titled, ridiculous Feminist blog, and is the author of a “dystopic satirical spy novel, at once hilarious and harrowing while dissecting fame, fascism, revolution and reaction, in a future that is now.“
Here is her most recent Twitter post:
Time for bed.
— Emma Quangel (@EMQuangel) June 20, 2015
You’ll notice her Twitter thumbnail is a bizarre picture of a little girl with a Jewfro fantasizing about violently destroying the “bourgeoisie.”
What a hero! What a shining beacon of moral authority, well fit to lecture on the evils of “White supremacy”!
Jezebel’s “Meet the Lady Who Ruined Dylann Roof’s Chance at an Insanity Plea” is a little more clear as to the true reason the SJW camp is so happy about this manifesto development, and it has nothing to do with whether or not Roof gets to plead insanity or not:
A lady who goes by the pen name Emma Quangle threw down the cash. Now Roof’s deranged white supremacist manifesto is public and it could qualify as evidence showing that Roof was not in a delusional state during the shooting. Given the content of the manifesto it’s pretty clear that Roof’s murders were primarily motivated by ideology and not psychosis.
Quangle told the Daily Beast, “As a communist, it is my duty and obligation to spend at least $49 to help ruin this guy’s insanity plea.” She also tweeted:
As a communist it is my solemn duty and obligation to hate and fight racism with every inch of my being!
— Emma Quangel (@EMQuangel) June 20, 2015
I think Roof made it very clear in his manifesto why he did what he did (assuming that it’s real), and it didn’t have anything to do with any “ideology,” but rather being overwhelmed by the truth and extent to which his people are under attack on a daily basis without even fighting back.
There is going to more and more of this as time goes on and the pressure against White people mounts, and that is just a simple fact.