Compulsive Eater John Kasich Stops Execution of Nog Who Murdered a White Girl

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
March 27, 2018

William Montgomery.

After wasting taxpayer money by being in prison for 32 years, this nog was finally going to get put down.

Then the massive faggot boomer with an eating disorder John Kasich said it was too mean.

Thanks Kasich, real helpful there.


Ohio Gov. John Kasich granted clemency to a Toledo-area killer who was two weeks away from execution.

Kasich’s decision Monday to spare William Montgomery’s life came 10 days after the Ohio Parole Board voted 6-4 to recommend mercy for him. The governor commuted Montgomery’s sentence to life without parole.

He has been in prison since 1986 and was sentenced to death that year for the murder of Debra Ogle during a robbery. He was also convicted of murdering Cynthia Tincher, Ogle’s roommate.

You have to think that the only possible reason he would do this would be to insult the girl’s family.

Cynthia Tincher.

But I suppose he may also have had a desire to spit on the entire white race as a whole. As revenge on Donald Trump. Or whatever.

Honestly, I’m surprised this guy is still in the news at this point. I thought he had disappeared.