Daily Stormer
May 5, 2014

The murderous black witch Condoleeza Rice has bowed to the desires of the students of Rutgers University, backing out of a planned speaking engagement at the school’s commencement ceremony after the students protested against her.
The students made accusations against her in connection with the war in Iraq.
“Commencement should be a time of joyous celebration for the graduates and their families,” Rice wrote.
“Rutgers’ invitation to me to speak has become a distraction for the university community at this very special time.”
In an open letter to the president of the school, printed in the student paper The Daily Targum on April 30th, “Rutgers Student Protestors” cited “destruction” in Iraq “at the hands of the Bush administration.”
“Rice signed off to give the CIA authority to conduct their torture tactics for gathering information from detainees as well,” the letter continues. “These are clearly human rights issues. By inviting her to speak and awarding her an honorary degree, we are encouraging and perpetuating a world that justifies torture and debases humanity.”
In 2009, a Senate intelligence report said that Rice approved waterboarding in the questioning of a suspected al Qaeda leader. Rice was National Security Adviser at the time.
I would like to think that a big part of this is subliminal anti-black sentiment which is rising in the educated as well as the uneducated White population of the US, as blacks continue to be presented to us as a superior ruling class by the Jewish media and government.
Though Rice is certainly a terrorist, so are Clinton and Bush, and they are not getting asked not to speak.
This banning comes just after the black First Lady was protested and asked not to speak at a Kansas high school graduation ceremony. Michelle also bowed out. Probably, these people are afraid of having bananas thrown at them.