Daily Stormer
March 18, 2015

The Dindu tribe member who had confessed shooting the two cops in Ferguson, saying he was trying to shoot someone else, has now decided he made that story up and actually didn’t do nothing.
He only confessed because a White cop was oppressing him.
“He told me that he never fired a weapon,” said Jerryl T. Christmas, attorney for Jeffrey Williams.
Christmas said Williams, 20, was scared and in a “tremendous amount of pain,” having allegedly been pistol-whipped before being questioned by detectives.
“I think under those circumstances he would have said anything,” Christmas said. “Anytime someone is questioned without counsel and then I see that kind of bruising, then I’m suspicious about any statements that he may have voluntarily given.”
The lawyer said the injuries can be seen in the jail mug shot of his client.
“He had bruising … you see the redness on the right side of his face,” Christmas said. “I don’t see how they are denying it, it’s right there on their own mug shot.”
St. Louis County police have denied the abuse allegations for two days. On Tuesday, a department spokesman again called the accusations “completely false” without offering any potential explanation for apparent marks in Williams’ booking photograph.
Sgt. Brian Schellman said Williams was immediately transported to police headquarters and interviewed by detectives, which was recorded on video and audio. At the jail, he said, a nurse evaluated Williams as part of the intake process.
“The nurse released Williams as fit for confinement and he was subsequently turned over by detectives to the custody of Justice Services,” Sgt. Schellman said.
But Christmas and a cousin of the suspect said Williams has been in the jail’s infirmary since arriving there Sunday.
Terrain Williams told Yahoo News by email that he spoke to his cousin on the phone Tuesday morning.
“Hell [no, he’s] not doing OK,” Terrain Williams said. “They whipped his ass.”
On Tuesday afternoon, Christmas got a court order to have Williams escorted to a jury room so that one of his investigators could photograph the alleged injuries. The prosecution was granted the same access to take similar photos.
Christmas said officers struck Williams in the face, neck, back and head while arresting him at his girlfriend’s house late Saturday.
“He has a knot on the back of his head where he says they hit him with the butt of a pistol,” Christmas said. “He doesn’t deserve that.”
Surprise, surprise, surprise. Once again, it is Whitey’s fault. And somehow the Arab-run media has the nerve to constantly make Blacks out to be welfare-leeching criminals.