Congratulations, London!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 6, 2016


Well, it looks like Khan won.

First major Western city with a Moslem mayor.

So futuristic.


Sadiq Khan looks set to become the new Mayor of London – boosting Labour after it slumped in Scotland’s elections.

Mr Khan, who would be the city’s first Muslim mayor, is on course for victory over Conservative Zac Goldsmith.

The result would bolster leader Jeremy Corbyn after Labour were beaten into third in Scotland by the Tories and lost English councillors.

Mr Khan’s expected victory would end eight years of Conservative control of City Hall. The former Labour MP and minister, 45, would become London’s third mayor after Mr Johnson and Ken Livingstone.

Although the result has yet to be declared he got 44.2% of first preference votes to Mr Goldsmith’s 35.6% – second preference votes are now being counted with Mr Khan set to pass the crucial 50% mark when they are added in.

The result had been due to be announced early evening on Friday but has now been delayed, with organisers London Elects saying they are “working towards a declaration at midnight”.

“The returning officer is currently updating candidates and agents. There were some small discrepancies with regard to the mayoral figures and we have to take the time to check them,” a spokesman said.

Great job, guys.

We’re really moving forward into the future as we move into medieval Islamism.