Consensus: The Golden Dawn is Coming

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 15, 2015

The last Oxi standing
The last Oxi standing

I read a lot of news about Greece. Partly because I write about it on this site and partly because I want Greece to exit the EU so I can go live there permanently in peace.

Following the recent debacle, with Alexis first calling a referendum, then doing the opposite of what was voted for, there is a consensus in the media commentary: the Golden Dawn is coming.

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Just type “Golden Dawn” into Google news. Everyone writing on the Greek bailout “deal” is mentioning the obvious fact that with Syriza now more pro-austerity than any political party since the crisis started, there is only one place left to turn.

And the Golden Dawn is playing it up.

The Guardian:

The neo-Nazi Golden Dawn party quickly sought to capitalise on the popular anger that the deal is bound to unleash. “Golden Dawn will resist the new memorandum that the government of the left will sign with the complete support of New Democracy, To Potami and Pasok,” said the organisation’s leader Nikos Michaloliakos, referring to the opposition parties. “An avalanche of taxes is coming. New annihilating measures that will mainly affect the country’s youth, that will increase unemployment and hit farmers who are the soul of the nation, are coming. From every place in this land the battle will continue … so that the plans of foreign rule are not passed.”

This comes as the Golden Dawn, having been persecuted in a bizarre manner by the Jew-run government, is about to have their entire case thrown out. This will demonstrate to the people that they are exactly what they say they are, and in itself be drawing further support.

And the “deal” Alexis signed is a repeat of the Treaty of Versailles that created Hitler. The Jews were stupid enough to do this once, and they just proved they are stupid enough to do it again.

Interesting times ahead.