‘Conservative’ and ‘Liberal’ Jews Unite to Condemn Cliven Bundy

Daily Stormer
April 27, 2014

Stop the presses, two Jews are agreeing with each other.
Stop the presses, two Jews are agreeing with each other.

In America, we are presented with a false left/right conflict in politics, where both major political parties are thoroughly dominated by Jews. While the two parties display minor differences on some issues, they are in full agreement on the points that really matter: the destruction of the White race and of traditional Americanism.

Despite the fact that Cliven Bundy’s “racism” turned out to be fake, the man still represents a reactionary element in White America that could potentially upset the Jewish plans to destroy our country. It is no wonder, then, that in a recent appearance on ABC’s “This Week”, Jewish “conservative” Bill Kristol and Jewish “liberal” Paul Krugman were in full agreement when it came to Cliven Bundy.

Kristol is the editor of the Weekly Standard, probably the most important “neo-conservative” publication in the country, while Krugman is a lead columnist for the New York Times. These two incredibly influential Jews fully agree that Bundy’s firm resistance to the federal government is dangerous. The Jews want us dumb goyim to believe that simply staying quiet and allowing tyrants to walk all over us is the only truly “American” thing to do. They are terrified when Whites speak the truth or stand up for themselves.

The kosher conservative Daily Caller did a story about Kristol and Krugman’s “remarkable” agreement. Expressing shock that these two Jews would disagree is just another layer of media deception.

From the Daily Caller:

Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman are undoubtedly on opposite sides of America’s political spectrum. But the conservative commentator and liberal economist came to a rare point of agreement on Sunday: regardless of his comments on race, Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy’s law-breaking stand against the federal government is inexcusable.

Kristol and Krugman appeared on ABC’s “This Week” to discuss Cliven Bundy’s racially insensitive comments published earlier this week. Once seen as a right-wing folk hero for his stand against the Bureau of Land Management’s push to reclaim grazing fees he owed the Feds, Republican politicians dropped Bundy like a hot potato once the remarks surfaced.

But Krugman was disappointed that Bundy’s racist musings distracted from his larger anti-government message. “I think the Cliven Bundy thing actually is awful, because we should be talking about the message, not the man,” he explained. “Which is really a terrible message, which is you have the right to use other people’s property — namely, federal grazing land — for free.”

“Freedom is the right to not pay for the damage you do,” Krugman bemoaned. “It’s really a horrifying thing he was ever made a hero even before these comments came out.”

“I am horrified to agree with Paul Krugman,” Kristol joked. “But The Weekly Standard, ten days ago, said to conservatives, ‘Don’t praise Cliven Bundy, he’s breaking the law, he seems to be inciting people even to use violence against federal law enforcement officials. If you want to change the law, change the law.’”