Conservative “Kike” Magazine The Weekly Standard Closes Up Shop – Forever

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 15, 2018

To the shock and dismay of Jewish terrorists, the conservative “kike” magazine The Weekly Standard is shutting down.

This comes after they waged a war against Donald Trump for being against mass brown immigration, free trade, foreign wars and other globalist Jew agendas.

The Jewish head of this Jew publication, William Kristol, was not satisfied with Trump’s gestures toward Israel, which include a Jerusalem Embassy and $38 billion dollars in cash from the American goyim population.

He would accept nothing less than a full-on invasion by wetbacks, Moslems and black Africans, along with an open war with Russia in the name of defending ISIS in Syria and neo-Nazi terrorists in the Ukraine.


The Weekly Standard, the magazine that espouses traditional conservatism and which has remained deeply critical of President Donald Trump, will shutter after 23 years, its owner Clarity Media Group announced Friday morning. The magazine will publish its final issue on December 17.

I don’t even think that Kristol himself would claim his magazine “espouses traditional conservatism.” He openly identified as a “neoconservative.”

Of course, CNN wishes to frame this as something where “even real conservatives are against Trump.” And I suppose that through the Bush 2 administration, Jewish neoconservatism did become mainstream conservatism. But it was never “traditional” to want to flood America with brown people and fight endless wars of aggression for Jews. And it really wasn’t even traditional to push for global free trade (though that is at least a little bit closer).

The announcement came after the magazine’s editor-in-chief, Stephen Hayes, met privately with Ryan McKibben, the chief executive and chairman of Clarity Media Group, a media holding company owned by billionaire Philip Anschutz.

“For more than twenty years The Weekly Standard has provided a valued and important perspective on political, literary and cultural issues of the day,” McKibben said in a press release. “The magazine has been home to some of the industry’s most dedicated and talented staff and I thank them for their hard work and contributions, not just to the publication, but the field of journalism.”

Employees were told at an all staff meeting, which CNN obtained an audio recording of, that they would be paid through the end of the year, and that afterward they would receive severance which would range in scale depending on factors like seniority. To receive severance, however, employees would need to sign a strict non-disclosure and non-disparagement agreement.

“I know it’s an emotional day, but I want to tell you don’t get on social media and attack anybody because it will put your severance in jeopardy,” McKibben told employees in the meeting.

Weird that they would not want their employees going nuts on social media. That they’d be concerned enough to issue a threat against people who go out and viciously defend the publication.

And going nuts against who?

Is there anyone in the liberal establishment that is against Jewish neocons? I’m not aware of anyone. They are fully in love with the Bushes now, as we saw after Papa Bush died. And all the right-wingers are banned from social media.

Employees were also told to clear out their desks by the end of the day. People familiar with the matter said that the email addresses of employees were already in the process of being shut off.

When employees raised questions during Friday’s meeting, McKibben told them, “I’m not going to take questions. This isn’t a press conference.”

The closing of the magazine represents a broader shift in conservative media. Outlets on the right that are critical of Trump have lost influence or changed their tone, while media organizations on the right supportive of the President have flourished.


Whatever you think of Donald Trump, his massacre of the old neocon movement was a historic victory of a scope that is difficult to even grasp.

Even if he fails to do anything at all as President, that victory will stand. He beat these people like they were a bunch of babies.

McKibben, in his statement, blamed The Weekly Standard’s demise on the challenges within the journalism industry, not the magazine’s politics. He said the magazine had over the past several years seen “double-digit declines in its subscriber base” and that “after careful consideration” it “became clear that this was the step we needed to take.”

In a statement posted to Twitter, Hayes said he was “profoundly disappointed in the decision to close The Weekly Standard,” writing that its “unapologetically conservative” voice was “needed now more than at anytime in our previous 23 years.”

Earlier, in a note sent to staff Friday morning, Hayes referenced the difficulty conservative news organizations critical of Trump have had in recent years.

“This is a volatile time in American journalism and politics,” Hayes wrote. “Many media outlets have responded to the challenges of the moment by prioritizing affirmation over information, giving into the pull of polarization and the lure of clickbait.”

Hayes said it was a “profound honor” to work with The Weekly Standard’s staff, and added, “I’m proud that we’ve remained both conservative and independent, providing substantive reporting and analysis based on facts, logic and reason.”

Well, that’s that.

The Daily Stormer, despite having no money and being censored everywhere, has for years had a larger readership than The Weekly Standard. Now we’ve outlived them.

A round of applause.