Cops Getting Smarter: Nike Nigger Bait Truck Trawling Operation in Chicago Uncovered

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
August 16, 2018

Niggers lurv dem sneakers. Oh sorry, “nig-dogs” love shoes. And the police is wisening up to that fact.

Vice has uncovered a lolzy police scheme to arrest nig-dog future criminals by baiting them with sneakers.

First things first though.

Look! It’s nigger-Trotsky!


Where do they find these guys?

Look upon the face of de leadah. Follow da leadah. Of da revolushion! Da niggas gon’ rise up in da streets!


I’ve been laughing at dis nigga’s face all morning. The pain in my sides is leading to suicidal thoughts.

Look it, look it!!xD *hacking cough*


Oh man. *sniffle* *shirt tug* *burp*. Woah. Excuse me there. I feel something bubbling up inside me.

Oh yes, it’s my inner philosopher and my spirit animal, Slavoj Zizek who lives within me now. During my NazBol phase, I met up with him in Prague and absorbed him into myself.

We became one. I can feel him trying to get a word in. Let’s see what his take on the situation is.

Enough about the trash, Slavoj. We’ve heard enough about the trash. Get to the point.

Itsth, itsth de *sniffle* problem of redistrtibootion of *tug* Nike corporation shoes in a time of shchevere economic crisis *nose pull* and negroesch in America will rise up to claim their rrrright to de Nike shoes..and so on and so on.

Thanks, Slavoj.

Here’s my take though.

What low standards.

The whole video implies that ni…. nog-dogs can’t be trusted to restrain themselves around shoes, or just about anything. They will steal something if given the opportunity to do so. We can’t blame them for this though, according to DemocRATS.

This is the shoft bigotry of low expectations *grumble* *grumble*

Oh shit, sorry.

That was Rush Limbaugh… who I also absorbed into myself.

His Boomer-tier analysis of how the dems r real racists for expecting so little of nog-dogs seems to convince a lot of cuckservative types though, so I keep him around to use on them.

I guess I’m trying to make a point that all these media figure talking heads giving their retarded opinions become little voices in the heads of the masses so when they see news like this they channel their internal favorite talking head to figure out what to make of the situation…

Slavoj would give his whole economic repression, communist revolution spiel. Rush would talk about how tax cuts are the answer, and Nigger Trotsky would just, presumably, start free-styling. The people are being led astray though! They need more Roy in their lives!!!

But I guess I just like making fun of old race-blind boomers, regardless of what side of the political aisle they sit on.