Corbin’s Party Stuck in Massive Jew-Hate Crisis!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 28, 2016


What the hell is this?

Trouble in Marxist multi-racial worker’s paradise!

The Islamics that the Jews brought into Britain are attacking Jews for mass-murdering the Islamics!

Wow – Just wow!

The Telegraph:

Today the Labour party was in trouble over remarks one of its MPs, Naz Shah, made online in 2014 about Israel and Jews. Journalists asked a spokesman for Jeremy Corbyn whether Mrs Shah was anti-Semitic.

“We’re not suggesting she’s anti-Semitic,” said the spokesman. “We’re saying she’s made remarks that she doesn’t agree with.”

To repeat. She’s made remarks… that she doesn’t agree with.

Yes, people do that.

For example, I do it constantly.

I’m all like: “guys I don’t really want to gas the kikes, haha, that’s just a humorous joke, hahaha.”

At Prime Minister’s Questions, David Cameron demanded to know why Jeremy Corbyn had done nothing to discipline Mrs Shah. Shouldn’t he be listening to his shadow chancellor, John McDonnell, who in March had said that if anyone in Labour expressed anti-Semitic views then “full stop, they’re out”?

Standing behind the Speaker’s chair, Mr McDonnell was out of most MPs’ sight. But I unmistakably saw him nod.

After PMQs, pressure continued to mount. Journalists asked Mr Corbyn’s spokesman to confirm that the Labour leader had the authority to dismiss Mrs Shah as a party whip. “Of course, he’s the leader,” said the spokesman. “Having met with her, he’s chosen not to.”

News of this decision did not meet with universal acclaim. Desperately, Mrs Shah had a go at apologising to MPs in the Commons. “I fully acknowledge I have made mistakes,” she said, “and I wholeheartedly apologise for the words I used… I truly regret what I did…”

Will sorry bring gassed Jews back from the dead, bitch?

No, I think not.

Something more must be done.

It wasn’t enough. An hour later, Labour announced that she was suspended from the party. “Jeremy Corbyn and Naz Shah,” said a statement, “have mutually agreed that she is administratively suspended from the Labour Party by the general secretary.”

Look at the wording of that. The party leader, who decided that Mrs Shah should face no consequences, agrees that she’s subsequently been suspended by someone else.

I wonder how Labour members feel now, when they look back at last September’s leadership election. Are any of them beginning to worry that they did something they don’t agree with?

We have to do something about this problem of Moslems not liking Jews.

Probably, they just need more education on how Israel is a democracy.

By the way, the only post I’ve seen is where she is calling for Israel to relocate to the US.


Apparently, she’s not aware we already have an Israel in the US – it’s called “New York City.”

Naz Shah was earlier this year involved in the “British” conspiracy to thwart Donald Trump.