Corbyn Wins, Vows to Build Gas Chambers and Immediately “Cleanse Britain of the Ratfaced Kike Filth”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 24, 2016


More good news!

He got almost twice the votes Smith got – running on an open platform of wanting to gas kikes!


Jeremy Corbyn has been re-elected as Labour leader, comfortably defeating his challenger Owen Smith.

He won 61.8% of the vote, a larger margin of victory than last year.

He vowed to bring Labour back together, saying “we have much more in common than divides us”, insisting the party could win the next election as the “engine of progress” in the country.

More than half a million party members, trade unionists and registered supporters voted in the contest.

In a result announced on the eve of Labour’s party conference in Liverpool, Mr Corbyn won 313,209 votes, compared with Mr Smith’s 193,229.

Speaking to the BBC’s Laura Kuenssberg after his victory, Mr Corbyn said the debate about who led the party was “now over” and Labour needed to take its message on the economy, education and the NHS to the country.

Asked what steps he would take to reassure critical MPs, he said the return of shadow cabinet elections was “absolutely in the mix” although he declined to rule out the possible deselection of sitting MPs in the run-up to the next election.

“I think you will see a lot of changes over the next few weeks,” he said.

“They (MPs) have no need to worry at all because it is all about democracy. We are all democratically accountable to our party and to our constituents. They have no need to worry at all. I am reaching out.”

Victory will be sweet – not just because it is a confirmation of his remarkable support among thousands upon thousands of members around the country.

It is Mr Corbyn’s second defeat of the Labour establishment, who many of his supporters believe have tried to undermine the leader consistently over the last 12 months.

(((Labour establishment)))

Jeremy Corbyn Your Friend

Of course, for those who don’t know, I’m joking about Corbyn vowing to gas the kikes.

However, that is basically the real portrayal British Jews have presented of him, simply because he is anti-Israel. And I think he is genuinely anti-Israel. He’s also an Alex Jones-type conspiritard. Seriously, his brother goes on the Alex Jones show regularly. This makes Jews nervous, given that there is so much anti-Semitism and borderline anti-Semitism in the conspiracy movement.

Last week, Haaretz reported that 92% of Labour Jews would vote for Smith:

Even though 92 percent of the Jewish Labour Movement backs the Brit’s challenger in the party’s leadership vote, his deputies cite ‘growing trust’ with the community.

It’s not an exaggeration to say that for most British Jews – and certainly most Jewish Labour Party members – Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership of the party has been a toxic affair.

Some initially sought to draw a line beneath his history of unsavory links with alleged anti-Semites and Holocaust deniers, not to mention his “friends” in Hamas and Hezbollah, as he once termed them. Being a rebellious backbencher of the hard left was one thing, many thought. As party leader, he was expected to conform to different standards.

But his first year of leadership has been filled with an exhausting sequence of anti-Semitism scandals in Labour. Corbyn’s supporters insist that in many cases, incidents have been overblown or simply invented by an overwhelmingly hostile media. Fourteen members have been expelled for anti-Semitism, hardly an epidemic in a party that has swollen to over half a million under Corbyn’s helm.

And Corbyn is certainly popular in the overall party; he’s expected to be reelected by a landslide in this week’s leadership election.

But critics point to the leader’s slow and apparently reluctant response to one incident after another. They argue that his supporters’ suffocating focus on the Israeli-Palestinian issue has poisoned the atmosphere, with the term “Zionist” wielded as an insult no less than “Blairite.”

For most British Jews, who remain connected and broadly supportive of Israel, this is a bitter pill. Despite Corbyn’s repeated commitment to a kinder politics, when ideology becomes so hard-line, there doesn’t seem much room to embrace a broad range of views.

So, regardless of the fact that Corbyn is a Marxist anti-Brexit immigration-supporter, his victory is ultimately good for Whites. Turning leftists against Jews helps our overall agenda, because without the Jews, Marxism will collapse in on itself.

This situation is also instructive as to just how paranoid Jews are. They are flipping out.