Cornered Rat Merkel Says There are No Solutions to Anything

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 7, 2016

dog faced whore angela merkel

Angela Merkel is like a cornered rat, lashing out at anything that comes near her.

Just give up, Angela. Take a warm bath and slit your wrists vertically.

It’s over.


Chancellor Angela Merkel urged Germans to embrace global change and consider the country’s international responsibilities as she went on the offensive to justify her policies that have alienated voters.

Yes – “embrace global change” – even though all of these changes are negative and there is no reason for them because everything was fine before.

But just do it anyway, for no reason.

Addressing parliament three days after an anti-immigration party defeated her Christian Democratic Union in a state election, Merkel sought to stand above the political fray and reclaim her role as defender of economic and social stability. She signaled she won’t stoop to populist rhetoric to win back voters, saying there are no easy answers.

Listing the crises swirling around Europe, from the “deep watershed” of Brexit to terrorism, demographic change and attacks on national borders as witnessed in Ukraine, Merkel said on Wednesday she’ll resist pressure for “seemingly easy solutions that are actually illusory solutions.”

No, you silly bitch. The Jewish “solutions” are illusory.

The actual solutions are very, very easy:

  • Brexit: Dissolve the European Union, no one wants it, who cares, Europe did fine without it.
  • “Demograhpic change”: Deport all non-Whites using the military.
  • The Ukraine: Their own problem, let them figure it out with Putin, no one cares about the Ukraine.

Alternately, you could just round-up all Jews and put them in camps and the problems would solve themselves, as if by magic.

All of these problems could be solved within a couple weeks, and everyone’s lives could just go back to normal. They are manufactured crises. Manufactured by the Jewish globalists for the purposes of forwarding the Jewish globalist agenda.

“Many countries expect Germany in particular to play an important role, as we just saw at the G-20” summit in China, Merkel said in her lower-house speech. “Germany is economically strong and stable. In these times of globalization, we serve our country best if we’re guided by the values that made us what we are: freedom, security, justice and solidarity.”


Maybe Hitler’s Germany or the Holy Roman Empire was defined by these four things, but Merkel’s Germany is the opposite.

Germany is NOT a Free Country

You get arrested for denying the Holocaust and can be sentenced to five years in prison for it. Even old ladies get arrested for saying Auschwitz was a work camp.

And now, you can be arrested for questioning mass-immigration on Facebook, courtesy of a program brought to us by the Stasi Jewess Anetta Kahane.

What are the freedoms? Gay sex and porno? Animal brothels? These things do not fit the traditional definitions of “freedom.”

Germany is NOT a Secure Country

Not only are people getting blown-up and shot down in the streets by immigrants, women are getting mass-sex attacked on the streets, they’re getting raped left and right. Little children and getting raped and molested at the swimming pool.

You’ve allowed unlimited numbers of third world people into the country having absolutely no idea who they are, and you’re on the brink of full-on race war as they chant for Allah in the streets.

There is NO Justice in Germany

None of the Cologne sex attackers, including those charged with rape, went to prison. Moslem criminals generally aren’t arrested, let alone prosecuted or sentenced.

Germany is in a state of complete lawlessness, with violent criminals going on rampages all over the place while normal Germans are locked-up for their thoughts.

There is NO Solidarity in Germany

You are at war with your own people, and most of them now hate you. You also have a hostile foreign population you’ve brought in to occupy the country, which is planning a violent revolution to get all the blonde women and welfare money.

Germany is a fractured country on the verge of total implosion.

In a speech that ostensibly addressed the German 2017 budget, which is projected to be in surplus for the fourth year in a row, Merkel presented Europe’s biggest economy as an anchor of stability that can withstand the political change buffeting Europe.

“Change isn’t a bad thing,” Merkel said, pointing to herself as one who observed the collapse of communist East Germany and the reunification of Germany. “Germany will remain Germany, with everything we hold dear.”

Except that it will be an Islamic State.

What are the “things we hold dear” that even still exist now?

As I say, all of these principles you claim the country has are just a lie. And now, even the most superficial expressions of German culture – festivals and celebrations – have to be canceled because of your Islamic rape-squads.


People can’t even go out on the streets at night. Many women have reported they can’t walk on the streets in the daytime.

This is all like some kind of absurdist comedy show.

Just go, Merkel.

Everyone hates you.

I personally hate you more than probably any other living figure, and I’m not even German.

I can’t even begin to imagine the level of hate they’re feeling.

But I can guarantee you – it’s well over 9000.

Adolf Hitler on the phone with angela merkel