Coroner’s Jury Finds Bernie Bro Lesbian Catladies Intended to Kill All of Their Adopted Brown Children When They Drove Off a Cliff!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 6, 2019

I am so happy that this story is back in the news.

And that it is exactly what I said it was.


The SUV carrying the Hart family would drive off a 100-foot Pacific coast cliff on that day in March last year — a tragedy police say took all eight lives and sparked questions about abuse and homicide.

As the car was in motion, Sarah was busy with the searches:

“How easily can I overdose on over the counter medications?”

“Can 500mg of Benadryl kill a 125lb woman?”

“How long does it take to die from hypothermia while drowning in a car?”

One of her last searches was for a no-kill dog shelter.


She was killing the kids, but wanted to make sure the dog survived.

Think about that for a minute. 

The horrifying details emerged Thursday after a coroner’s jury unanimously ruled that Jennifer and Sarah Hart intended to die along with their six adopted children: Markis, 19, Jeremiah and Abigail, both 14, Devonte, 15, Hannah, 16, and Ciera, 12.

At first, it seemed unfathomable the parents would drive their children from their home in Woodland, Washington, to their deaths in Mendocino County, California. Their social media pages included photos of beaming children holding “love is always beautiful” signs.

In some photos, they had on matching T-shirts and wide grins.

Feel the burn

Of your corpse burning in a car that your lesbian parents just drove off a cliff.

As the national spotlight on the story grew, more details emerged that the children desperately sought help from neighbors. Allegations surfaced that their parents abused and starved the six adopted children.

The coroner’s inquest gave more insight into what led Jennifer and Sarah to end the lives of all eight Harts.

When authorities entered the Hart home, it seemed neat, orderly and newly remodeled, said investigator Jake Slates from the California Highway Patrol. But while Jennifer and Sarah’s were decorated, Slates said, the children’s rooms were bare.

Investigators noted that their luggage was left behind, and the family did not take their toothbrushes before leaving for two days.

“In my opinion, Sarah and Jennifer succumbed to a lot of pressure,” said Lt. Shannon Barney of the Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office. “They got to the point where they made a conscious decision to end their lives and take their children with them.”

As Jennifer drove down the US 101 highway, she had five beers in her system, enough to make it difficult for her to function, according to Slates. Witnesses told police that Jennifer rarely drank.

The theory is that she drank to build up her courage, Slates said.

“My feeling is based on talking to witnesses that they felt if they couldn’t have those kids, no one was going to have those kids,” Slates said.

Or they just wanted to kill them out of pure anger and revenge.

Days before the family died in the crash, Child Protective Services in Washington requested a welfare check on the family. But no one answered the door on March 26; the family was already gone.

Calls to the police began just two years after the Harts became parents, while they were living in Minnesota. They were first called in 2008 when one child told an adult that Jennifer struck the child in the arm, but the state closed the case claiming the child fell.

After another call in 2011, Sarah Hart pleaded guilty to domestic assault after admitting to police she bruised her child by spanking her over the edge of a bathtub.

After the family moved to Woodland, Washington, the children started going to their neighbor, Bruce DeKalb, for help and food in the middle of the night.

According to a case report, the children also complained of racist behavior.

Oy vey, Bernie must answer for the racism of his supporters…!

This is the epitomous adoption story.

It is obviously more extreme than a normal adoption story, because these are lesbians, the children were all of different races, and they murdered them all.

But it is nonetheless the ultimate conclusion of any stranger adoption tale that intensifies.

A lot of people on the right will focus on the interracial aspect and the lesbian aspect. And that does make it funnier. But the truth is, every stranger adoption situation ends badly.

If you do not have a genetic connection to children, it is impossible to deal in a healthy way with the problems that arise during raising a child. All that the children being of a different race means is that this genetic gap is wider. But a person is either related to you or they are not, and if you are not carrying on your own genes by devoting yourself to raising a child, then there is no way to put your entire self into the act, and it is impossible to raise children properly without putting your entire self into the act.

I am 100% against all forms of stranger adoption, point blank.

I have written two longish – and I think goodish – articles about this issue.

Firstly, most of these black adopted children are simply being bought from their parents in Africa. It is a straight-up child trafficking scheme, run by evangelical church groups.

The same is true for the trafficked white children from Eastern Europe.

And many Asian countries have shut down adoption due to white evangelicals going into their countries and running human trafficking swindles.

Apparently the shitlibs and other do-gooders who think it is a good deed to do international adoption think that Africa and other shitholes are so poor that it makes sense that they would have many children to adopt.

That really shows the delusional reality bubble of the shitlib/do-gooder, and just how disconnected they are from the people they wish to do good upon.

Poor countries have extremely strong family bonds. I would say that family bonds almost have a direct inverse connection to national wealth, almost universally. In Africa, Southeast Asia, Russia or anywhere else that these evangelicals traffic children from, there is always going to be some relative who is willing to take on another kid. Even if not for altruistic reasons – children are profitable for people in poor countries, because they will work and support the home that they are living in and then care for their parents (and/or relatives that adopted them) when they’re elderly.

In any poor country, if you talk to a person who is working seven days a week and ask them why they work so much, they will say “to support my family.”

The idea that children in poor countries “don’t have a home” is just nonsensical, and you could only believe that if you’re a sheltered shitlib/do-gooder without any experience of the world.

So I think you can eliminate “international adoption” on moral grounds, off the bat. And that eliminates about a quarter of all adoptions in this country.

Another 59% of adoptions are of children that are stolen from their parents by the state itself. Sometimes this is on the grounds that the parents are actual drug addicts or something, but it is often done simply because it is profitable for the state to do so.

Only 15% of adopted children are from parents who voluntarily relinquish their children. They are probably almost all black, and most of those women are convinced to give them up by the same evangelical organizations that traffic children internationally. Yes, they get a cut of the buy domestically as well.

Basically, the entire concept is a gigantic scam. Most of these domestic children could remain in their homes, or be transferred to a grandparent or aunt/uncle. The tiny percentage of them that cannot be placed in a relative’s home should be in orphanages run by nuns, as that is healthier for the children, where they are at least able to form a bond with one another and less likely to be abused, and healthier for society as a whole.

Right now, there is a massive financial incentive for these shady evangelical groups to traffic children, and if you cut that incentive, the industry would dry up.

The foster system is really a separate issue that just needs to be shut down completely, as the state has its own monetary incentives. If parents are addicted to drugs, they can voluntarily give their children to an orphanage on a temporary basis. Putting them into the homes of people the state pays is insane.

Though it is funny to laugh at two dykes driving off a cliff with a car full of brown adoptees, it is tragic, even if you don’t care about dykes or brown people. It’s a sad event. No one wants to see a car full of people drive off a cliff.

The one on the left is lucky he’s dead – they’d already infected him with the gay.

This should be a wakeup call to shut down the Adoption Industrial Complex.

You’d think that the Jewish anti-Christian forces would be calling for these adoption swindles to be shut down. But they’re not. Just like they’re not calling for the Zionist Christian Televangelist Industrial Complex – that literally solicits donations from senile old people in a way that is obviously exploitive fraud – to be shut down. Jews attack every aspect of Christianity, except for the parts they support.

You can always tell what Jews support very easily, because they try to destroy absolutely everything they have even slight disagreement with.

In actual fact, the ultimo-kikeshill John Hagee is in on the adoption scam as well – it is literally the same people doing both evangelical-Jew agendas!

I want to see a point-blank total ban on stranger adoption.

You would immediately see a 95% drop in the total numbers of children available for adoption once you lost the incentives. The rest can be put in orphanages.

Stranger adoption is evil.

And of course, all of the arguments against homosexual and interracial adoption apply here as well. Those situations are much worse than heterosexual adoption of same-race children.

But they are quantitatively worse.

And you wouldn’t have to make arguments against interracial or faggot adoption. Just get rid of the entire program.