Cosmotheism Trilogy: The Path

Daily Stormer
April 28, 2014

Video by Aryan Legacy. Here is the summary, written by Joe Jäger:

Cosmotheism is a racialist based religious doctrine which strives to bring the Aryan race back on track to its evolutionary path towards self-consciousness, self-understanding and self-completion; in other words towards the race’s destiny of achieving super-human state or godhood through following the never ending staircase of Life.

Cosmotheism endeavors to bring back the natural order of the universe, and thus the outcome is racial improvement. This racial improvement will almost most certainly involve struggle and peril, as the achievement of all great things in life has always involved these aspects. In order to bring about this Universal Order and the racial destiny, Cosmotheism contends to keeping the blood of the race pure, keeping the spirit of the race uncorrupt from alien forces, implementing policies of Eugenics and Natural Selection, and effectively serving the Life Force.

There are, of course, an infinite amount of ways which one may serve the Life Force, or the Creator. Cosmotheists must be the Creator’s brain, they must be doing with the Creator, as all things are one with the Creator. This is the Creator’s Purpose, and the Universal Will, it is The Urge in all things. Mankind is a part of the whole; it is a part of the world, the universe and of the Creator. Cosmotheism understands that mankind’s purpose, specifically the Aryan race, is higher man, and that mankind has the responsibility to pave the way towards higher being.

Each step in the upward stair case in life is a step towards higher consciousness, higher levels of realization and completion. Mankind is then given the choice to either ignore this divine Urge towards greatness, or accept it and drive fully in the direction of its destiny of godhood. It will take all of us to drive upwards towards the stars and onto further racial advancement and then Superman; THE CHOICE IS OURS!