Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 23, 2015

It is looking more and more like Hillary Clinton is doomed. She has already publicly admitted to all of these felonies, and though not a single cuck in the GOP or in the “conservative” media is going to press the issue, The Donald will.
So I guess the back-up plan is Biden.
As Vice President Joseph R. Biden weighs a run for the White House, supporters say he won’t jump into the race simply because Democratic nomination front-runner Hillary Rodham Clinton has become bogged down in the scandal over her exclusive use of a private email server during her leadership of the State Department.
Mr. Biden this weekend appears to have begun “expanding” past his inner circle of friends and advisers and has been gauging support for a potential candidacy.
The vice president, who some polls show narrowly beats top Republican presidential candidates in hypothetical match-ups, met with influential progressive Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts over the weekend.
With Mrs. Clinton struggling to move past questions about her emails, there seems to be an opening for Mr. Biden. But the vice president’s top backers say his decision will have nothing to do with Mrs. Clinton’s status as front-runner.
Jew Bernie certainly isn’t viable, so I guess this is the best they’ve got.

They literally have no other options. It was all riding on Hillary, because it seemed like destiny, then she was exposed as running a massive criminal conspiracy she could do decades in prison for.
GOP Wankery
Though no one could have imagined it possible, Jeb Bush continues to get gayer.
Did you all see that at Trump’s massive rock star rally in Alabama, Jeb paid for a sign to be flown across the sky about how Trump has a secret plan to raise taxes?

The sign read “Trump 4 Higher Taxes Jeb 4 Prez.”
The responses were not good. At best, people were confused or thought it was some sort of a hoax.
Personally, I feel both shocked and disgusted that anyone would be talking about taxes at this point. I have no idea if Trump wants to raise taxes, I haven’t read this and it certainly doesn’t sound like something he would want to do. But I guess that is just the only issue Cuckbulicans can talk about now.
Personally, I think the majority of White Americans who identify as conservative would be willing to give literally 100% of their income to get these filthy brown people out of our country. And also do something about these homos and Blacks.
Also, why did Jeb Bush put out an ad where he has a Negroid hand?

The ad was put out by Jeb’s Super PAC the day after it did that faggot plane thing in Alabama.
And here, get this – Jeb’s Super PAC is called “Right to Rise.”
What is that supposed to imply? Who or what is going to rise, and who or what needs to give them a right to do so?

The Rest of These Cucks
Meanwhile, the rest of the GOP candidates can’t even think of anything to talk about. Type “Marco Rubio” or “Rand Paul” or whoever into Google News and look at the articles.

None of them are doing anything but saying Trump is bad because he supports the exact policies which have made him so popular, or they are talking about taxes.
They don’t even have any issues.
This whole thing has gotten so ridiculously insane.
What is going on with all of these weird people?
It almost seems like Trump is going to win by default.
Everyone keeps saying it’s impossible – and I was saying that too – but at this point, what is the other possibility?