Council of European Canadians: An Excellent Website in Defense of the People and Culture of the West

Kevin MacDonald
Occidental Observer
June 6, 2014

Ricardo Duchesne is a professor at the University of New Brunswick and well-known to TOO readers. His latest project is the Council of European Canadians whose website includes a noteworthy mission statement as well as regular articles, mainly by Prof. Duchesne. Whereas many conservative organizations are terrified to phrase their arguments in ethnic or racial terms (“limited government,” “family values,” “lower taxes”), the mission statement is refreshingly phrased explicitly in terms of the ethnic interests of European Canadians: “This Council is dedicated to the promotion and defense of the ethnic interests of European Canadians.”‘

It should, of course, be head-bangingly obvious that Europeans have ethnic interests and that pursuing their interests in officially multicultural Canada is entirely legitimate. After all, other ethnic groups are very well-organized and pursue their interests in a wide variety of ways. But, as we all know, such a statement is revolutionary in the Western world where only Whites can be racist and where any sign that Whites are organizing to pursue their interests is greeted as a sure sign of an impending holocaust.

The Council of European Canadians eschews political activity in favor of creating a metapolitical “counter-cultural movement against the established order … by conducting active forms of thinking through such practices as conferences, alternative web radio programs, web-journalism, and even distribution of flyers.” Such a strategy is required because of the current power of cultural Marxism:

We are against an establishment that is determined to destroy European Canada through fanatical immigration, race-mixing campaigns, imposition of a diversity curriculum, affirmative action in favor of non-Europeans, and promotion of white guilt.

It is common for the  left to label race realists and others opposed to immigration as extremists. But as Prof. Duchesne notes, it is the present immigration policy throughout the Western world that is fanatical and extreme, pouring millions of people from every corner of the world into Western (and only Western) societies. Who are the real extremists? The Council is unabashedly Eurocentric:

We must be proud of our heritage, of the heroic role European pioneers, settlers and nation builders played in the history of Canada. We will nurture a view of Canada that emphasizes our nation’s greatness, achievements, and glory. We must learn to take risks, and learn how to be consistently Eurocentric in our behaviour and communications. We must reject all euphemism, double-speak, and opportunism. The Council will produce key concepts and arguments that will arm people with the ideas and courage to speak and fight against those who seek to demonize us and in our efforts to recruit and persuade Canadians. (“Our Beliefs and Goals“)

In his articles, Prof. Duchesne has focused mainly on the continuing campaign for apologies and financial reparations to the Chinese. In the U.S., the Chinese (like Jews) are often considered a “model minority” because they do well in school and are upwardly mobile.  But, also like the Jews, it’s clear that the Chinese in Canada have quickly learned how to play ethnic hardball in Western cultures by appealing to the moral sentiments of Whites and to ideals of moral universalism and individual rights that are the creation of Whites. In “Background Traits for Jewish Activism” I contrasted Diaspora Jews with Overseas Chinese on aggressiveness toward the majority population. Whereas Jews have behaved very aggressively against traditional White majorities throughout the West (most outrageously, by advocating dramatic changes in the ethnic balance of Western societies favoring non-Whites), the Overseas Chinese were content to form business networks and generally keep a low profile. However, the examples I relied on were in non-Western countries in Southeast Asia:

The Chinese have not formed a hostile cultural elite in Southeast Asian countries motivated by historical grievances against the people and culture of their hosts. For example, despite their economic dominance, the Chinese have not been concerned with restrictions on their citizenship rights, which have been common in Southeast Asia. (p. 28)

On the basis of Prof. Duchesne’s account of Chinese behavior in Vancouver, it is clear that the Chinese are quite capable of behaving aggressively against the majority population in a contemporary Western context where such behavior is not only legitimate but encouraged by the official multicultural ideology. Whereas the Overseas Chinese passively accepted restrictions on citizenship throughout Southeast Asia, the fact that Chinese could not vote in Canada until 1947 is a major point of grievance against European Canada (see Duchesne’s “Head tax: When will migrant Chinese apologize for rampant racism in China?“).  As we have often noted about Jewish activism, Jewish intellectuals and organizations have appealed to uniquely Western concepts of individual rights and moral universalism as tools to advance their narrow ethnic interests. The same is true of Asian immigrants to Canada. Yet all this high-flown rhetoric is from people who have emigrated from cultures where crude racism is the norm:

Asians come from cultures that, by our standards, are crudely racist and where individuals enjoy few rights. … The ideas and values [adopted by a Chinese ethnic activist  in Canada] were nurtured by Whites, and that these ideas are driven by the erroneous universal egalitarian illusion that White countries must be diversified otherwise they are racist, even though there is not a single non-White country calling for diversity and mass immigration. Clearly [this Chinese activist is] exploiting White ideas to advance the ethnic interests of the Chinese, utilizing the same white guilt our educational institutions inflict on White children. What he calls “pride” is nothing but the relentless demands by Asians to extract ever more resources from Whites. It is time Whites show respect for themselves and stop kowtowing to the Chinese. … No racial group in human history other than Whites has ever been committed to racial diversity. … But what is perhaps even more astonishing is that these [Chinese] “millionaire migrants” enjoying apologies from working and middle class Whites come from a culture that, by the standards of British Columbia between 1886 and 1947, are not merely illiberal but vulgarly racist. (see “Head Tax? When Will Migrant Chinese Apologize for Rampant Racism in China Today? for further documentation of the racism of Chinese society)

Past whites assessed and forewarned us about the dangers of Asian swamping. Current whites offer us delusional dreams about racial assimilation and togetherness on the supposition that whites are the only ethnic groups capable of racism. It does not occur to them that the racism of non-Whites may be far cruder since they lack any notion of civic citizenship and a universal “we”. (“Chinese and Whites in British Columbia from an Ethnocentric perspective“)

Neither Israel with its crudely racist behavior toward the Palestinians nor China subscribes to Western ideals of moral universalism and individual rights. (“In Israel there is no legal basis for civil equality. The state may and does openly and officially discriminate between its citizens according to their religious and ethnic origins.”)  But such concepts are the coin of the realm in Western societies. As a result, these groups exploit them to advance their ethnic interests, masquerading as aggrieved victims of White racism:

[The Chinese] want apologies at every level of government for every possible form of “discrimination”. Let’s put this in context. We are not dealing with a marginalized minority, assuming the Chinese were ever marginalized; we are speaking of an ethnic group that is now the majority in various regions of Vancouver, and will soon be the ethnic majority in the city at large. With the implementation of Trudeau’s multicultural ideology, Vancouver would see a flood of non-Western immigrants. The total number of Chinese in Vancouver in 1951 was still only 8,729, in a population of roughly 345.000 …. According to a census of 2006 the total number of Chinese in metro Vancouver stands at about 410, 000.

We are thus talking about a very powerful demographic group that also happens to be very wealthy with deep ingrained connections to Communist China. This group has been allowed to alter radically the formerly elegant, serene, community-oriented, British city of Vancouver, turning it into a loud, congested Asian city (still attractive only because of the architectural and institutional legacy of past White generations). (see here) [The Chinese want] “Inclusive redress” [which] can be categorized as a White-created cultural Marxist term employed by Chinese cultural nationalists to promote their ethnic interests in Canada. The Chinese want the Canadian government to make the history of White discrimination against the Chinese a central part of Canada’s curriculum, and beyond this some Chinese leaders are calling for the inclusion of Chinese Canadians as founders of the Canadian nation. …

In the “imagined” future that our Canadians elites envision for Canada, a nation in which multiple races are projected to be able to get along without biases, ethnocentrism is seen as an “irrational fear” that only exists, and has existed, due to human ignorance, which can be remedied through proper education.  …

We thus have a situation in which early generations of Whites living in an extremely harsh environment, where a livelihood was hardly guaranteed, being subjected to the moral judgment of White liberal elites committed to racial equality living in comfortable settings made possible by past generations. The overplayed drama of “racism” is driven by well-off Whites condemning the actions of poor past Whites in the name of an imagined future free of ethnocentric favoritism. (here)

Prof. Duchesne stresses the point that ethnic homogeneity within Western societies was a key antecedent for Western endorsement of moral universalism and individual rights:

There is no denying that Western nations alone have been committed to a universal community because of their unique development of a wider sense of the “we,” not only in nurturing a scientific method with universal applicability, but in coming up with a model of political belonging based on equal rights of citizenship regardless of race and religious identities. However, … it should be noted that Western nations developed the concept of civic citizenship within the context of a high degree of ethnic homogeneity, in countries where ancestors had lived for generations.

This is an important point. Ethnic diversity leads to conflict and a great many other costs of multiculturalism, and in such an environment, ideas of moral universalism and individual rights are unlikely to develop. Ultimately I predict that moral universalism and individual rights will be casualties of the current push for multiculturalism.

The result of present trends will be a disaster for European Canadians:

[The emphasis on White racism as explaining the treatment of Chinese] is an integral component of Canadian elite efforts to create a nation in which the historic White majority population is obligated to accept a multiracial nation where Whites will be marginalized and their role as the founders of Canada will be obliterated. Once you accept this commitment to a multiracial culture, which by necessity implies believing that a White society dedicated to diversity is morally superior to a White society that is not, this explanation is inevitable. (here)

In such an environment, it’s not surprising to see that expressions of hatred toward all things European are entirely acceptable. Henry Yu, Chinese ethnic activist and professor of history at the University of British Columbia, is filled with hatred about this past, claiming

that the English language “stunts diversity.” Calling it a “colonial” language, he demanded that Asian languages, long “silenced” by “white Supremacists”, be given the same official status. He even equated the presence of a high number of whites in leadership positions with “the legacy of a long history of apartheid and white supremacy.” …

Redress also means re-imagining the history of Canada in such a way that white Europeans are portrayed as oppressors and non-Whites as victims with the goal of taking Canada away from the Europeans and transforming the nation into a multicultural and multiracial society. As the Asian Anushka Nagji put it at a Consultation Forum on the issue of redress this past January 2014: “The story of Canada is not a tale of brave European explorers and a vast untamed wilderness. It is a sordid tale of genocide and colonization, unjust laws, racism, oppression, and exclusion.” 

The redress movement is based on a false version of history. In fact,

Chinese contractors and certain businesses used Chinese labourers to compete with host population workers for employment and to replace host workers where possible.”

“The inflow angered people of all political stripes in the host B.C. population. The main complaint was that the Chinese would work for less than the wages paid to members of the host population. The vast majority of B.C.’s population supported provincial legislators who passed a litany of laws (1) to limit the numbers of Chinese immigrants through the use of a head tax or (2) to end Chinese immigration completely.” (“‘Chinese Head Tax, White Apologies, and “Inclusive Redress

One would think that protecting native populations against wage-lowering immigrants would be a prime function of government. But of course, that is certainly not the case throughout the Western world where corporations that benefit from low wages are a major force behind the immigration tsunami. And now the protective policies pursued by Whites in the past are held up as nothing more than egregious racism. The lesson is that any attempt to protect the interests of Whites, either now or in the distant past, is just another indication of White evil.

The result is that Whites are clearly on the defensive now:

The fact is that at our schools and universities the history of BC and Canada generally are already taught in a way that accentuates negatively the role of White “colonizers” and portrays non-Whites as innocent victims. At the university level, it is the case that leftists dominate the intellectual atmosphere, continually putting down Whites and celebrating the “enriching” diversity of non-Whites. (here) This massive wave of Chinese colonizers has driven the price of homes way above what middle class Whites can afford …. But what is perhaps even more astonishing is that these “millionaire migrants” enjoying apologies from working and middle class Whites come from a culture that, by the standards of British Columbia between 1886 and 1947, are not merely illiberal but vulgarly racist.

Ricardo Duchesne is an important voice on the side of defending the people and the culture of the West against the present onslaught. It is incredibly important to have intelligent, well-argued commentary on the war against the West because it makes our people confident of their beliefs and well-armed to take on their many opponents. It also belies the stereotype put out by organizations like the Southern Poverty Law Center that Whites who advocate for White interests are illiterate and psychiatric issues. The increasing presence of writers like Prof. Duchesne is indeed a very good sign indeed. I strongly recommend visiting the website of the Council of European Canadians regularly.