Counter Currents is Having a Meme Contest – And I Need You to Win It

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 10, 2016


I will be submitting this meme I just made, which I think is incredibly fantastic. 

Well, well, well – what do we have here?

Counter-Currents is doing a meme contest, which I guess is going to be a weekly affair.

You get a free book if you win the TOP KEK meme award.

You need to win this contest and you need to do it quickly.

Here are the rules:

  1. The contest will run every Monday through Sunday, and on Sunday, I will select the prize-winner.
  2. The prize will go to the person who posts the meme, not necessarily to its creator.
  3. The prize will be a paperback edition of any book published by Counter-Currents and currently in print.
  4. To enter the contest, just go to our Facebook page and post the meme to the comment thread for that week’s contest, which will be pinned to the top of the page. Or you can post a link to the image in the comment thread below.
  5. You can post as many memes as you like, as long as they have not already been posted.
  6. If you post a link below, be sure to leave your email address so we can contact you if you have the winning meme.
  7. Each week’s winning meme will be posted at the top of the next week’s contest announcement.

This will be easy for you all to win and claim the prize, of which could be Gregory Hood’s new book.

More importantly than you getting a book, however, is you representing Team Stormer in the competitive arena of meme-making contests. The entire Alt-Right is forming into various Meme Teams, which must compete against each other like in the Hunger Games to determine who is the most fit to stop these kikes.

I believe it is obvious that our team is the best, and it is time we proved it to the likes of Greg Johnson by winning his meme contest. We will win it this week and we will win it every week following.

We shall prove we are THE BEST.

Submit your memes as a comment on

this article.

(You can also go to their FB page, linked above, but I don’t think any of you actually use FB.)

When you get the book, make sure to say “gas the kikes, race war now” and make some derogatory remarks about homos. Something about GRIDS.

Everyone will know you’re a Stormer.