Daily Stormer
May 8, 2014

The phenomenon of “citizenship by birth,” which has led the US and Canada into the phenomenon of “anchor babies” needs to be rethought.
There really is absolutely no reason why a woman should be able to travel from Mexico to the US a few days before going into labor and plop out a US citizen. The concept is, on it’s face, nonsensical. In fact, I have no idea where it even originated.
Of course, removing something like this is merely obvious, as are pretty well all of the solutions to the problems we have. It would hardly even matter if we kept the law, if we refused non-Whites the right to citizenship in the US in the first place. So I won’t hold my breath for it to be repealed. It will be dealt with the same time all of the other problems we face are dealt with:
On the Day of the Rope.
Still, it is interesting to look at just how purposefully dysfunctional our legal system is.