Crazed Black Ogre Stabbed White Mistress to Death When She Threatened to Spend His Gambling Winnings on Their Half-Breed Hell-Spawn

Daily Mail
January 24, 2015

Miss Adams met Bright when she was 16, beginning an abusive six-year relationship. Manchester Crown Court heard they never went anywhere as a couple, and Bright just used her house to crash in while drunk or high.

A violent boyfriend high on a cocktail of alcohol, cocaine and cannabis, stabbed his mistress to death after she found his £1,500 gambling winnings and threatened to spend it on their love child.

Andre Bright, 30, stabbed Victoria Adams, 22, in the chest and in the stomach in Oldham, Greater Manchester, on December 8 last year, leaving her with a wound so deep it reached her kidney.

As police arrived to arrest Bright they found him watching Miss Adams bleed to death on her hallway carpet while she begged for her baby daughter, who was asleep upstairs.

When he refused to go with police an officer shot him with a 50,000 volt Taser. He didn’t move, and after the officer threatened to shoot him again he sneered: ‘I enjoyed that. You need more volts.’

Today Bright was jailed for 17 years after being found guilty of murder and assault at Manchester Crown Court.

Andre Bright was sentenced to 17 years in jail for the murder of Victoria Adams. When police went to arrest Bright in Oldham, Greater Manchester, last year they found him watching as Miss Adams bled to death.

He shrugged as the unanimous verdict was read out, while friends and relatives of the victim wept, screamed and cheered in the public gallery.

Bright had a long history of violence stretching back to when he was just 14. He was arrested after he shot a man in the face with a BB gun, causing him to loose the sight in one of his eyes.

He was also convicted of stabbing two men in a bar fight, leaving one with a perforated bowel, and of beating up a previous girlfriend while she was pregnant when she accused him of cheating.

Police arrested him three months before the attack outside a nightclub with scissors in his pocket.

Just hours before killing Miss Adams he was caught on CCTV trying to urinate on a bouncer, and when the man pushed him away he stabbed him repeatedly in the face with an Afro pick.

Bright often bragged to friends that, on the estate where he lived, it was cool to carry a knife.

Three days before the attack Miss Adams went out with friends for the first time since giving birth to Bright’s half-breed infant. Bright came to her house, called his other girlfriends in front of her, spat on her, and threw a bottle at her.

Bright married in 2009 and had three children with his wife, but kept a string of secret girlfriends in tow, and had at least one other child with Miss Adams.

She was a travel and tourism graduate who first met Bright when she was just 16, and the pair began a stormy six-year on-off relationship.

The court heard that Bright never went out with Miss Adams as a couple, and instead used her flat as a place to crash whenever he was drunk or high on drugs.

Mr Mark Kellet, prosecuting, said that Miss Adams found out she was pregnant with his child after taking a pregnancy test in January 2013, and sent him a text with the good news.

But Bright was furious, telling her to delete his number and to never call him again.

Three days before she was killed, on December 5, Miss Adams had a fight with Bright after she went out with friends for the first time since having her baby in August.

Bright stormed to her house, and began calling his other girlfriends in front of her. When she told him to stop he spat on her, told her he would sleep with her friends, then threw a bottle at her.

Bright was convicted at 14 after shooting someone in the face with a BB gun. He also stabbed a man in a bar fight, beat a pregnant ex-girlfriend, and attacked a bouncer with an Afro pick after trying to urinate on him.

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