Daily Slave
August 5, 2014

The Jewish website Israel Hayom recently quoted a Somali activist by the name of Ayaan Hiri Ali who claims that Benjamin Netanyahu should get a Nobel Peace Prize. Obviously, this woman has been brainwashed by the Jew tube.
She claims that Netanyahu should get this prize for fighting Muslim extremism, even though Netanyahu has done little on this front. However, Netanyahu has done an excellent job at murdering and maiming an untold number of Palestinian women and children through Israeli air strikes and bombings in the Gaza Strip. This should presumably disqualify him from winning any so-called peace prize.
But let’s counter the Muslim extremist argument: Netanyahu’s actions have actually helped create more Muslim extremists, who will now seek revenge against Israel for killing innocent people. Many of the Palestinians who have had their family members killed in these acts of cowardice are going to seek retribution against Jews. So in reality, he has actually increased the number of Muslim extremists. With this said, it should be obvious this woman has no idea what she is talking about.
What’s funny is that this Jewish article decries how this woman was the victim of female genital mutilation, even though the Jews fully endorse the genital mutilation of baby boys. The rabbis even practice a bizarre ritual in which they literally suck on a male baby’s foreskin during circumcision. But according to this Jew website, that is perfectly acceptable, but female genital mutilation is bad. Shouldn’t they both be considered bad?
From Israel Hayom:
Ayaan Hirsi Ali, one of the world’s most prominent fighters against radical Islam, defends Israel’s right to fight Hamas, says the West is refusing to recognize the danger of growing Muslim extremism.
“Netanyahu should get a Nobel Peace Prize,” she says.
Somali-born activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali is very worried these days. According to her, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is just a symbol — a small-scale model of the bigger war between the West and radical Islam. She predicts that this bigger war will become very tangible in the coming years.
Hirsi Ali, a Somalian refugee, was subjected to female genital mutilation when she was only five years old. She later became a political activist, a feminist and a writer, and was elected to parliament in the Netherlands. She co-created the provocative film “Submission” with Dutch director Theo van Gogh, who was assassinated as a result by a radical Dutch Muslim. In 2005, she was named as one of Time Magazine’s 100 most influential people in the world. But most importantly, she has become one of the biggest critics of Islam and a prominent fighter for women’s rights in Muslim societies. She founded and currently heads the New York-based women’s rights organization AHA Foundation, which addresses issues like underage marriage, forced marriage, domestic violence and honor killings.