Daily Slave
August 18, 2014

A crazy negro Christian preacher named Temitope Joshua from Nigeria is donating 4,000 bottles of what he calls “holy water” to fight the Ebola virus in Sierra Leone. Some of his Black followers have been convinced by this ridiculous con man that he has the ability to see into the future. By deceiving his followers, Joshua has become quite wealthy which has allowed him to make this bizarre donation.
Obviously this situation is ridiculous as he’s just doing this as a public relations stunt to gain more followers. Instead of sending “holy water” maybe this guy could suggest to his fellow Blacks that it would be a good idea to remove the bodies of Ebola victims rotting in the streets. But no, “holy water” will apparently fix the Ebola problem.
From Voactiv:
Sierra Leone just got a big gift from a strange man.
To help the West African country fight the escalating Ebola crisis, Nigerian Christian preacher Temitope Joshua says he has sent the Sierra Leone government 4,000 bottles of his patented holy anointed water and $50,000 in cash in a private jet, which also cost $50,000 to charter.
Sierra Leone will, one would assume, take every penny it can get to stem the Ebola outbreak, which has claimed more than 1,000 lives worldwide, with the majority of the victims in West African countries. Such odd largess does certainly beg the question, though: Who the hell is this guy?
For starters, Joshua is a millionaire. Forbes reported that with an estimated net worth of $10 million to $15 million, Joshua is one of the richest pastors in Nigeria. He’s also one the most controversial. He’s the founder and head of the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN), and has been dubbed a prophet by some. Joshua has claimed for years that he has healing powers that can tackle a myriad of incurable diseases such as cancer and HIV—and that he can peek into the future.