Creepjob Jeb Creepily Implies Trump’s Children Don’t Love Their Father Like His Own Ratlike Hybrids

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 29, 2018

Out of all of the 2016 presidential contenders, which was the most likely to turn out to be a Jeffrey Dahmer pederastic cannibal?

I’ll give you a hint: it was Jeb Bush.

Obviously and by a long shot.

Lindsey Graham gets second place on the Dahmer Scale – but we’re talking about Jeb.

He’s a creepy sonovabitch, this guy.

Remember when he said he would kill baby Hitler and he was really ethusiastic about killing a baby?

They didn’t ask him the obvious follow-up: would you eat the baby after you killed it?

Look at his face, and you tell me the answer to that:

Maybe that’s why the interviewer didn’t bother to ask – the answer was so obvious, there was no reason to ask.

Give the nature of this disreputable and ungentlemanly chap, I was unsurprised by his recent bizarre resentful statements against Donald Trump.

Washington Post:

It’s not entirely clear what Jeb Bush intended when he said that after he was crushed by Donald Trump in the 2016 South Carolina Republican primary, he returned home to children “who actually love me.” He made the comment during a speech at Yale University on Tuesday.

The Yale Daily News, which reported the comment, originally said it was meant as a jab at President Trump — and by implication Trump’s children. The Yale paper later corrected its story to say that while “Bush did not directly refer to Trump,” most of the audience took it that way.

Some news stories that circulated on social media suggested Bush was insinuating that Trump’s children didn’t love their father. The result were headlines such as The Cut’s “Jeb Bush Delivers Totally Sick Burn to Donald Trump,” and Raw Story’s “Jeb Bush rips Trump with brutal one-liner: At least I have kids ‘who actually love me’.”

Imagine being inside of the head of someone who thinks it is appropriate to angrily insinuate that an opponent who bested you is not loved by his children?

A normal person could not even think of such an insult.

I mean, it was weird enough when Marco Rubio said Trump had a small dick or when Ted Cruz said he was planning on running him over with his car. “Your children don’t love you” makes those comments seem normal.

And especially aimed at Trump it is bizarre. His kids are not estranged from him or anything. In fact, his whole life is built around his kids – both his professional and personal life.

So the kids hit back at Jeb.

But let’s consider Jeb’s own kids – experimental hybrids – who allegedly actually love him.

His son Jorge was recently running for some irrelevant office in Texas and actually threw his dad and entire family under the bus, talking about how much he supported Trump.

So not that much love.

His entire family is a bunch of Mexican criminals, so he’s basically their personal welfare office – easy to love.

Anyway, wow.

Do you understand that if it wasn’t for Trump, Jeb would have been the 2016 nominee?

And even after losing to Hillary, he would remain a relevant political figure?

Can you even imagine?