Creepy Ass Kike Ben Shapiro Comes Out White Knighting for Paki Kikesucker Nimrata Randhawa

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 15, 2018

Ann Coulter said it best and she said it a long, long time ago.

Shoulda went with Tonto.

Although Nimrata never made Sec of State, and is instead in the symbolic position of Ambassador to the UN, the ugly Paki whore – who is known to give terrible blowjobs to random bloggers just to get positive Google search engine hits – has a bully pulpit to shill for the Jews.

Which is why #NeverTrump kike Ben Shapiro feels the need to come out and white knight for her, even though he is on the record saying he hates Donald Trump and everything about his racist and white supremacist political agenda.

The Hill:

Conservative writer Ben Shapiro on Friday slammed David Hogg for calling for Nikki Haley, President Trump’s ambassador to the United Nations, to resign, saying the former Parkland student was “perpetuating a lie” that Haley spent money on her “lavish lifestyle.”

The New York Times reported on Thursday that the State Department spent $52,701 last year on curtains for Haley’s New York residence, but the report added that the expense was not Haley’s decision.

Shortly after the report, Hogg, who survived the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School and went on to become an outspoken gun control activist and Trump administration critic, called for Haley to “resign immediately.”

“Dear Nikki Haley, There are starving children in America everyday and you have the audacity to misappropriate thousands of tax dollars for your own lavish lifestyle,” Hogg wrote on Twitter. “Resign immediately sincerely, America.”

Hogg at some point deleted the Tweet.

Probably because someone corrected the part about “starving children everyday.”

“Misappropriation of tax dollars” is also, I believe, a federal crime. And you can’t just accuse people of committing federal crimes on twitter because you misunderstood a New York Times article and don’t know the meaning of terms.

Not defending “Nikki” here, just saying – Hogg should be deported to India with her.

The Jewish rat Ben Shapiro certainly was defending Haley though, and his tweet was not deleted.

He is of course correct. The little shit cannot read an entire NYT article or understand what it says.

This is the sort of thing that happens when you make low-IQ teenage spergs from Tumblr into political pundits.

But retards on Twitter say all kinds of wrong stuff about Trump all the time, and there are dozens of NYT articles per week that outright lie about Trump and his various associates. But Rabbi Benny the Moocher does not ever feel the need to defend anyone but Randhawa.

You tell me what’s going on there.


Remember that time that Ben Shapiro said we were all haters for saying he puts the interest of Israel first?

What are you supposed to do about the fact that he obviously does put the interests of Israel first?

Just pretend it isn’t happening, when he is openly doing it in public?

It’s been proven that you cannot call out this behavior using nice language and not saying “kike” and avoid being called an anti-Semitic racist neo-Nazi white supremacist. In 2007, John Mearsheimer, Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago, and Stephen Walt, Professor of International Relations at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, published a book called “The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy.”

They did not call people like Ben Shapiro “scheming rat kikes” or call for the implementation of the Stairs of Death as a solution to the problem. And yet, they were called “anti-Semites” just the same.

And compared to David Duke by a Jew in the WaPo.

For publishing an academic work on the influence of Israel on American foreign policy.

They are not exactly Hitlerites, these guys.

Jews clearly, clearly, clearly and openly, openly, openly lobby for the interests of Israel to be put above the interests of America. This reality is not debatable. The only thing that the Jews claim is debatable is what names you should be called for attempting to claim that this is a relevant political topic for public discussion and debate.