Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 7, 2015

As the long-time reader is aware, we use Cloudflare, a proxy service to protect our server from attacks. As such, any complaints filed against the site go to Cloudflare, and Cloudflare then sends me an email telling me someone said I was doing something bad and that it is my responsibility to figure out if I am doing that. Cloudflare does not regulate content, so it is meaningless.
Today, I got a message from Cloudflare telling me that a certain Simon C. Pook had contacted them and filed a false legal statement against the Daily Stormer.
CloudFlare received an abuse report regarding:
Below is the report we received:
Reporter’s Name: Simon Pook
Reporter’s Email Address:
Reported URLs:
/gaggle-of-subhuman-filth-rallies-around-ugly-curry-negress-sarah-sahim-as-she-flees-the-troll-army/Logs or Evidence of Abuse: Abuse and violent threats have clearly been incited by the above URLs. The victim, Sarah Sahim, has had her previous twitter account (@sahizzurp) hacked as a direct result of the posts made on the above website, and her new account (@dudecooldad) is currently in protected mode following a serious of violent threats made against her via twitter. Following this, the author of these posts has made a list of those people defending the victim on Twitter, including posting images of these people. These people have also received violent threats on twitter as a direct result of these posts. The author of these posts has made consistent and repeated attempts to get his ‘troll army’ to continue to make violent threats against Sarah Sahim’s person, and linked to many other ways of contacting her across the internet in order for this to continue. You can see some evidence of the kinds of violent threats that Sarah has been receiving in the comments section of these posts.
Fist, he tries to hold myself and the Daily Stormer responsible for the alleged behavior of alleged readers. This is probably not defamatory, but simply stupid. But then there is this part: “The author of these posts has made consistent and repeated attempts to get his ‘troll army’ to continue to make violent threats against Sarah Sahim’s person” – this is a flat-out lie, and a knowingly false accusation of a criminal act made in a legal statement made with an intent to harm.
This is not a game, Mr. Simon C. Pook of Rigby, Warwickshire. You have filed a false legal claim, and that is a form of fraud which can carry a sentence of up to ten years in prison.
I will be contacting my team of highly-skilled non-Jewish lawyers within the next 48 hours if a public retraction of these statements is not made immediately in the form of a picture of you holding up a sign as you are doing in this picture:

I wish for the sign to read “I apologize to Andrew Anglin and his Troll Army for having filed a fraudulent legal claim against his person and his army of trolls.” Please attach your signature and the date. I would prefer if you are smiling in the picture, but I will not require that.
This is a very simple choice you have before you, Simon C. Pook. You retract these false statements, or I will be forced to defend my personal honor and the honor of the website in court, where you could face years in prison, a fine and payment of damages to me which will take you the rest of your life to pay off.
The reader can feel free to email Simon C. Pook at, and encourage him to take the deal, as well as express their disgust at his criminal methods of operating, his attempts to censor free speech by filing fraudulent legal claims. You may also contact him on his Facebook page.
As always, I absolutely condemn all threats of violence in any form. As fellow human beings, you have a right to tell this person what you think of his high-level criminal behavior through these public means of communication, as well as encourage him to take this deal I am offering him, which is beyond generous given the circumstances.
I do not feel that a man of 21 years should have his life ruined because of one stupid mistake, and so I am giving you an out.

Within the 48 hours I am awarding you, you will have time to contact your own lawyers and confirm that by filing this report with Cloudflare, you have committed an act of fraud with malicious intent to cause harm to myself and my organization by knowingly falsely accusing me of committing a criminal act.
If you choose to take the deal, please send the picture of yourself holding up the retraction/apology to It will be posted here, and will also be forwarded to my web services for their own records.

Choose wisely.