Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 2, 2015

The core theme of Obama’s foreign policy has been inciting violence around the globe, especially by funding terrorism. The core theme of his domestic policy has been to incite Blacks to commit terrorism at home.
Working on an issue that holds a rare chance of bipartisan cooperation, President Obama is traveling to Newark, New Jersey, on Monday to promote criminal-justice reform.
While he is sending troops to Syria to further his foreign agenda of fomenting terrorism worldwide, he is also at home focusing on “Criminal Justice Reform,” which is a neat euphemism for removing all personal responsibility from individual Black criminals, transferring that responsibility to White people as a whole.
This involves ceasing to punish Blacks who commit new crimes, as well as releasing Blacks who have been locked-up for committing crimes back onto the street.
Mr. Obama will visit a residential facility providing treatment for drug addiction and take part in a roundtable discussion on prisoner re-entry into society. He’ll also announce new actions to promote rehabilitation, including $8 million in grants from the Department of Education to provide job training and placement for people with criminal records.
The president also is urging Congress to approve legislation to “ban the box” on federal job applications, eliminating the requirement that applicants state whether they have a criminal record.
“Each year, more than 600,000 individuals are released from state and federal prisons,” the White House said in a statement. “Advancing policies and programs that enable these men and women to put their lives back on track and earn their second chance promotes not only justice and fairness, but also public safety.”
Mr. Obama will be accompanied by Sen. Cory Booker, New Jersey Democrat and former mayor of Newark, as well as current Newark Mayor Ras Baraka.

Over the last couple days, the biggest single prison release in history has taken place, with 6000 mainly Black men being released back onto the streets under new Obama regulations saying they had been sentenced unfairly.
There are 50,000 men, we are told, who are eligible to be released onto the streets.
The overwhelming majority were locked up for selling or trafficking in crack cocaine.
The Obama administration claims that these are “non-violent offenders” because they were sentenced on drug-dealing charges. However, it is standard practice for someone who has been charged with a violent crime to plea guilty to a drug offense, as it carries a lesser charge and is easier to prosecute; a plea bargain also removes the need for a trial.
I have yet to see statistics (or even estimates) on how many of these 50,000 mainly Black male convicted felons Obama is releasing onto the streets of America were initially charged with violent crimes before being convicted of drug-dealing.

It is also a plain fact that a big part of the idea behind the Clinton-era strengthening of drug laws which Obama is now redacting was that it is difficult to catch someone and convict them for a violent crime. As all Black drug-dealers are engaged in violent crime on some level, strong drug laws made it possible to remove violent Black criminals from the streets without needing to convict them of a violent crime.
Obama is openly endangering the American public as part of a weird racial crusade which has a lot more to do with hurting White people than it does with helping Black people. To be sure, Black communities don’t want a bunch of drug-dealing gang members flooding their neighborhoods – they have enough already on the loose.
All is weird – “we’re releasing tens of thousands of non-violent crack dealers onto the street because we don’t think they actually did anything wrong and were targeted because of racism” is less weird than a lot of other stuff going on.