Criminal Mexican “Journalist” Dolia Estevez is Openly Faking News Stories – Forbes Supports Her

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 14, 2016

Dolia Estevez

Dolia Estevez is a criminal and a foreign agent seeking to undermine the American nation through manipulation of the press. And Forbes has nothing to say about it.

Editor’s Note: I wrote this last week, but withheld it as I was attempting to work with Forbes to get the bitch Dolia fired for extensive and serious breaches of basic journalistic ethics. The joke publication Forbes has declined to fire her, simply changing the most outrageous and libelous aspect of in the article, which was the faked quote. The original article is archived here. I will address the interactions with the editorial staff at the end of this article. You can also skip to the end of the article for the contact information of those involved in this conspiracy against this writer and this site. 

Last Wednesday, I was personally defamed in an article in Forbes, wherein the lying woman who wrote it – a Mexican ethnic activist and foreign agent named Dolia Estevez – accused me of being uninformed and lying about the IQs of non-Whites. She also accused me of evading answering questions because I didn’t answer a follow-up email – sent a month after the initial exchange, after she had already told me she was finished!

Even more abominably, she purposefully misquoted me, which is a fireable offense – at least it would be if she wasn’t unassailable as a Mexican and a woman. However, Forbes’ refusal to address this vicious assault does not change the potentially criminal nature of the libelous materials, and by refusing to act responsibly after having published this material, Forbes has potentially made itself party to a criminal conspiracy.

One of the faked quotes also had political implications, so she was purposefully misrepresenting me, defaming me in order to push an ethnic activist agenda. I’ve done a whole lot of interviews in my life, but this is the first time I have had someone directly misquote me. Even the Jews don’t do this.

So much for journalistic integrity in the world of diversity.

“He has No Answers”

Firstly, the title itself is “‘Brown People’ Are ‘Genetically Inferior’ Trump Supporter Claims, With No Facts To Prove It.” And throughout the article, she keeps playing up that I didn’t respond to her email because I had no answers to her difficult questions.


Here are the times when she mentions I didn’t respond to her follow-up email:

  1. Anglin did not answer my request to confirm whether his theory about the “genetic inferiority” of non-whites and genetic deterioration from interracial breeding comes from Adolf Hitler’s philosophy of eugenics.
  2. But when I challenged him with these facts, Anglin didn’t answer.
  3. But I did not hear from him after I pushed back, asking for a source for the so-called “statistical fact.”
  4. He didn’t reply to my question on whether he thinks all women, including his mother, are inferior.
  5. Why Anglin declined to defend his beliefs when given the opportunity to do so is anybody’s guess.

Five (5) times she mentioned me not responding to a follow-up email, six (6) if you include the title of the article itself.

I have never in my life seen a journalist write an article based around the theme that an interviewee did not respond to an email.

Seriously – is this the first time someone didn’t respond to her email?

On August 4, she told me there was “one last thing,” indicating the end of the exchange.


Then on September 7, she sent a follow-up email (which I found doing a search of my email after the article was published):


I missed the follow-up email, because I get a hundred emails a day and miss most of my emails. To use the lack of a response to a follow-up email as the basis of her entire article – to include it in the headline – is a level of unprofessional behavior that I am not even capable of grasping.

And I think it is very clear that this was purposeful and malicious.

Answering Dolia

As this lying woman has publicly called me out as not having any answers to her oh-so-important questions – the answers to which she could have easily found on Google – I will respond here to the five different places she claimed I had no answer.

First claim of no answer:

‘Brown People’ Are ‘Genetically Inferior’ Trump Supporter Claims, With No Facts To Prove It.

Anglin did not answer my request to confirm whether his theory about the “genetic inferiority” of non-whites and genetic deterioration from interracial breeding comes from Adolf Hitler’s philosophy of eugenics.

Firstly, let’s look at what I actually said in the email (full screenshot below), with regards to genetic inferiority:

Non-Whites are genetically inferior, and thus when our people breed with them it is a serious form of dysgenics, lowering the average IQ, making people less physically attractive and less moral, throwing away hundreds of thousands of years of human evolution for no reason anyone can explain.

So, I first mentioned IQ.

Racial IQ differences have been extensively documented. The topic first became a subject of public interest in 1994, when the statistical information about race and IQ was published in the book “The Bell Curve” by Richard J. Herrnstein and political scientist Charles Murray. Their findings were later confirmed by the American Psychological Association in 1995, in a report entitled “Intelligence: Knowns and Unknowns.”

race and iq

This isn’t controversial. It is not something that people debate. Although some debate the causes of this, the racial IQ differential is an objective and fully documented fact, which Dolia Estevez easily could have Googled instead of asking me for evidence a month after she had told me the interview was finished.

I then mention physical attractiveness factor. The fact that Whites are the most attractive race (or at least that White men are the most attractive men, and maybe White women have some competition with Asian women) is harder to measure objectively, but data from online dating apps demonstrates very clearly that no one wants Black or Brown sex partners.

This data is from “Are You Interested,” a Tinder-like sex app on Facebook:


Note: There are obviously going to be different factors involved in the high Asian female response rate, such as weight and tendency toward feminism. It is safe to say that if all things are equal, White females are more desirable than Asian females, which the below evidence indicates.

What’s more, a scientific study by Dr Chris Solomon, an expert in facial mapping, found that the most attractive humans in the world look something like this:


Thirdly, I mentioned morality. That is also not as easily quantifiable as IQ, but also just as obvious on the face of it. Lawrence Kohlberg’s research has found a direct correlation between IQ and morality. The average IQ of a prison inmate is 90. And as we shall show, the majority of violent crime is committed by non-Whites.

And no, my beliefs don’t come from Adolf Hitler, but they comes from the same source: facts and objectively collected data.

Second claim of no answer:

The existence of prominent and successful Hispanic immigrants and U.S. citizens of Hispanic descent (entrepreneurs, professors, authors, intellectuals, scientists, a Supreme Court judge, film directors and even billionaires), flatly debunks Anglin’s racist views. But when I challenged him with these facts, Anglin didn’t answer.

Here, apparently, she’s failed to understand the definition of the word “statistic.”


We are not talking about individuals, we are talking about group averages.

Saying “Carlos Slim is a Mexican and Carlos Slim is smart so all Mexicans are smart” doesn’t “debunk” the fact that Mexicans are on average very unintelligent any more than a man with no arms “debunks” the fact that human beings tend to be born with two arms.


Premise A being B and c doesn’t prove that all Bs are Cs.

It would be like me saying “Dolia Estevez is a Mexican and Dolia Estevez is stupid so all Mexicans are stupid.” But I wouldn’t do that, because I’m not stupid. Instead I would say “let’s look at the statistical data regarding the average intelligence of Mexicans.” That data is linked to above.

Third claim of no answer:

Anglin also repeated one of the most popular, but unfounded, myths among many Trump sympathizers: that immigrants are more violent than whites.

“Undocumented immigrants,” Anglin told me via email, “have a much higher rate for all types of crime, including violent crime, than whites. It is a statistical fact anyone can easily find. They are, however, not as violent or stupid as the Blacks, though that is a moot point.”

But I did not hear from him after I pushed back, asking for a source for the so-called “statistical fact.”

Note: I didn’t say and would never say “undocumented immigrants.” But we’ll get to that in a minute.

Data on the criminality of illegal immigrants isn’t available, because police aren’t required to record the immigration status of criminal offenders.

The claim that immigrants are less likely to commit violent crime are based on a report from the American Immigration Council, a pro-invasion organization, that claims that because there is less violent crime in America now than there was in the 1980s before all of these people invaded our country, that immigrants are responsible for the decline. Seriously, this is the actual argument being presented. They consider no other factors, they just say that illegal Mexican immigrants are responsible for the drop in crime.

It is a fact that first generation Mexican immigrants appear to be statistically more likely to work than to live on welfare – and so presumably much less criminal – than their children. Jason Richwine documented this.

However, whether it is the first generation immigrants or their kids committing all of this crime – we don’t know for sure, because we don’t have the data – is not relevant.

What is relevant that according to the NYPD, in New York City in 2014, “Hispanics,” regardless of their immigration status, were 12.4 times more likely than Whites to be arrested for murder, 5.5 times more likely to be arrested for robbery and 9.1 times more likely to be arrested for rape.


Similar statistics – all from government data – are available for other areas in the country in the 2016 Color of Crime report.

Fourth claim of no answer:

He didn’t reply to my question on whether he thinks all women, including his mother, are inferior.

The nerve of this horrible woman to mention my mother. It’s unbelievable.

How is this published in Forbes?

What sort of an operation are these people running?

As far as women being “inferior,” this is yet another purposeful misrepresentation of what I said – that is, she is lying.

She asked:

Donald Trump’s call to build the wall and deport 11 million illegals, how appealing is it among white voters?

And I replied:

I think it is extremely appealing to all White men. Women are not fully conscious beings and are driven by childlike emotions, seek compromise over conflict, and are thus incapable of grasping the necessity of it. But a lot of them still want these parasites out.

That was the whole of it.

Nothing about “inferiority.” It’s more absurd defamation from the more unprofessional journalist I’ve ever come across in my entire life. In any sane world – such as any world before just ten years ago – this one article would mean the end of this woman’s career.

As far as what I actually said – that women are more emotional than men – do the Forbes offices have Google blocked?

Has Dolia Estevez ever met a woman?

Female brains are different than male brains. In particular, women have a much higher concentration of a hormone called “estrogen” (which you can read about on Wikipedia), which leads to emotionality.


The electrical impulses are different within the male and female brains.

On the conflict resolution point, men have a higher concentration of a hormone called “testosterone” (which you can also read about on Wikipedia) that causes them to be more aggressive, while women tend toward conflict avoidance. This stems from evolutionary biology, which required men to fight external threats and required women to care for children and get along with the other women who were caring for children.

Here are a few academic papers on the subject:

Without going into the male-warrior hypothesis, however – it is just common knowledge that men and women deal differently with conflict and threats.

But it’s a lot easier to make-up something I said, huh?

Fifth claim of no answer:

Why Anglin declined to defend his beliefs when given the opportunity to do so is anybody’s guess.

People have to guess because you didn’t tell them. Because you are a criminal liar and hoaxer.

The reason is because you told me the interview was over, then sent a follow-up over a month later. There was also no “declining” involved. Not answering an email does not qualify as “declining,” as “decline” is an action verb. Not answering an email is not an action.

One is not declining to do something by simply not doing something that one has an opportunity to do. This would be like saying that because there is a window in my room I could jump out of, by not doing it I am “declining to commit suicide.”

Plus: I didn’t see the email.

Because you sent it a month after you said the interview was done. I don’t simply wait around for emails from you, Dolia. I have other things going on in my life.

This is pure defamation.

But it gets worse.

Purposeful Misquoting of Me to Change the Meaning of What I Said

Much worse than simply lying about what I said, lying that I had “declined to answer” and have “no facts,” Dolia Estevez purposefully faked direct quotes in the article twice, with one instance being extremely political in nature, and clearly designed to tarnish my reputation.

For reference, here is a screenshot of the full email:


Let me first quote from the Associated Press guide to values and principles:

The same care that is used to ensure that quotes are accurate should also be used to ensure that quotes are not taken out of context.

We do not alter quotations, even to correct grammatical errors or word usage. If a quotation is flawed because of grammar or lack of clarity, the writer must be able to paraphrase in a way that is completely true to the original quote. If a quote’s meaning is too murky to be paraphrased accurately, it should not be used.

Dolia Estevez both changed quotes and took them out of context.

The first instance of a direct misquote was relatively benign, but demonstrated the total lack of professionalism.

She wrote:

In an email to me, Anglin described “low IQ brown people” as “loafers on welfare” but, according to studies, economists and experts, the vast majority of undocumented immigrants are extremely hard working people.

Where my email read:

Non-White immigrants are a threat to the economy, the fabric of society and our genetic legacy. The rapid automation of labor is leading to a situation where we are going to have to pay people not to work, and having a bunch of low IQ brown people loafing around on welfare serves absolutely zero purpose.

Not only did she change the words I used and include them in a direct quote, but changed the meaning. As you see, I was talking about a future scenario where high-automation leads to a guaranteed wage from the government, where these people will have nothing to do but loaf around.

I am well aware that first-generation Latino immigrants tend to work. They take illegal employment, which drives down wages, but in my experience, they do not “loafers” (even changing “loafing” to “loafers” seems to have been to defame me – the noun form tends to refer to shoes, and sounds weird).

This quote is still up on the website, even after I emailed the editor and brought it to her attention.

The quote they did change – adding a retraction in the header – was even more shocking.

She claimed that I used the term “undocumented immigrants”! She put it in quotes!

She wrote:

“Undocumented immigrants,” Anglin told me via email, “have a much higher rate for all types of crime, including violent crime, than whites. It is a statistical fact anyone can easily find. They are, however, not as violent or stupid as the Blacks, though that is a moot point.”

My email said:

I don’t think anyone anywhere thinks all illegal Mexicans are rapists. They are all necessarily criminals, obviously, as entering the country was a criminal act, hence the term “illegal immigrant.” They have a much higher rate for all types of crime, including violent crime, than Whites. It is a statistical fact anyone can easily find. They are, however, not as violent or stupid as the Blacks, though that is a moot point.

Because I stressed the term “illegal immigrants,” she felt it would be a shot at me and my honor to change my statement to a politically correct term. It is simply mind-blowing that when this was brought to the attention of Forbes, they declined to fire Dolia Estevez.

I have never used the term “undocumented immigrants,” and do not support it at all.

She herself used “illegal immigrants” in the email question!

It simply cannot be overstated how unprofessional this is – it is criminal.

Funny – the woman writing about how Mexicans aren’t criminals is a Mexican criminal!

But Anglin – Journalists Always Lie!

Many readers will be saying that I should have expected this, because journalism is a corrupt industry dominated by lying Jews. And yes, I do expect to be defamed and insulted and misrepresented. I am aware of how this works. I’m not a naive little boy. I’ve had a lot of interactions with journalists and understand how they work. It’s why I now only ever do email interviews.

However, directly misquoting people, within quotations marks, based on an email interview, where she knows I have proof she misquoted me, is not something Jews would do. This is evidenced by the fact her Jewish editor ordered one of the quotes – the one that would most likely lead to a lawsuit, given the political implications – changed.

I have also never in my life heard of someone using the lack of a response to a follow-up email as a theme for an article, saying the person ‘has no answers’ to the questions. The fact that she waited a month to send the follow-up just makes it that much more ridiculous and out of the ordinary.

Fight Back!

This is what happened following my email to the editor: one of the two faked quotes was changed, and a retraction was added to the top of the article.


So, they admitted wrong-doing – but not that much. They only removed the part that gave them the greatest legal liability, which was faking an extremely politically-charged quote.

Please email the Forbes New York bureau chief, Janet Novack, and let her know how you feel about her refusal to address this criminal behavior on the part of her publication.

You can also email these three women, who responded to my email and said they were going to fix the problem, but didn’t.

Luisa Kroll:
Kerry Dolan:
Jessica Bohrer:

Most importantly, you can visit Dolia herself on Twitter, and let her know that the world is aware that she is nothing but a criminal scammer, an foreign agent and ethnic activist working inside of our country to undermine our sovereignty and destroy our nation.



I know that everyone is going to tell me to file a lawsuit. I do have a very clear-cut case here, which I may even win. It would be extremely difficult for Forbes to defend faking quotes based on an email exchange.

And they’ve really incriminated themselves in this conspiracy by refusing to delete this article and take action against Estevez after it was brought to their attention. They knew there were two instances of faked quotes, and yet only changed one.

I am also able to prove harm to my reputation, as in multiple places across the internet, I have seen people saying “oh wow, Anglin didn’t have any answers! He doesn’t know why non-Whites are inferior!” It even happened on my own forum.

There can be no doubt that it was malicious.

I am looking into whether or not it is possible to have criminal charges pressed against her in the State of New York.

However, I do not have the time to deal with a lawsuit, or the money. More importantly to me is to let the world know who this woman is, what she has done, and the fact that Forbes magazine has backed her 100% in this criminal behavior (well, they changed one line – so maybe they’re only backed her 99%).

Please spread this article around. People need to know what the lying media is doing to us, that we have ethnic activists openly faking the news at mainstream news outlets, and when it is brought to the editors’ attention, they do virtually nothing.