Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 10, 2015

A crowd-funding campaign in support of Officer Michael T. Slager, who stands accused of murdering an armed Black, has gone up on IndieGoGo.
The plea reads:
We’re campaigning to show our Support for Officer Michael T. Slager! We believe in all of our LEOs and want to publicly support them! Although he may have made mis-steps in judgement he was protecting the community. Michael is a former Coast Guardsman with two stepchildren and a wife who is expecting a child, served for more than five years with the department without being disciplined. Please help in any way you can. He has served five years with the department without being disciplined.
Though I agree with the general concept of supporting the police, after watching the video of this officer shooting the unarmed 50-year-old Black child Walter Scott, I am feeling rather angry at Slager.
We had all of these hoaxes, which were confirmed hoaxes: Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Eric Garner. Then this guy goes ahead and actually shoots an unarmed teen in the back while he’s running away. Holder and Obama couldn’t have asked for anything more perfect than this.
I understand it’s stressful and whatever to be a cop dealing with these Blacks, but it looks to me like Slager really dropped the ball. Maybe some new information will come out and show differently, but right now it looks very bad.
This, in my view, speaks to the larger issue of violence, and the need to remain restrained when dealing with Blacks and other enemies. There is simply nothing good that can come from losing our cool. We have the moral high-ground, and we need to hold it. Acts of violence on the part of Whites allow the enemy to gain the advantage.
We should learn a lesson here.