Cuban-Canadian Ted Cruz Brutally Booed After Refusing to Endorse!

Daily Stormer
July 21, 2016


The 2020 elections must seem six million years away after this!

Everyone in the USA is tired of Ted “Stand With The Jews” Cruz.


Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) gave a stirring address to the Republican National Convention on Wednesday night, but failed to endorse Donald Trump, telling Americans to “vote your conscience.”

Cruz congratulated Donald Trump on winning the party’s nomination, but stopped short of endorsing Trump outright, saying merely that he wanted to see the party’s principles prevailing in November.

Yeah, “party principles,” lol!

Sorry Ted, that’s what an all time record number of Republican primary voters purposely shut down by choosing Dear Leader over you. They’re just a tad miffed about open borders, globalist economic policies, endless wars, etc. You know, all that silly White Genocide you & your fellow (((establishment))) hacks have been  shoving down White people’s throats for over 50 years now.

They rejected them, and they rejected you. Deal with it.


Do you think this is a game?

Poor Ted is just gonna have to learn to live with the fact that he will never be POTUS and that’s because he is one of the most unlikable people on the face of the Earth.

Think about it: If he were never a politician, and was just a regular guy who lived in your neighborhood, would you invite him over for beers and barbecue?  I think not. And, though I have never considered myself a skilled partisan political operative, it occurred to me long ago that screeching about the fetuses 24/7 and having clunky slogans like “Freedom Matters” will never make up for the lack of a human personality that consists of characteristics other than voraciously seeking power for it’s own sake, and not even Papa Rafael’s prayers will ever change that!

His own supporters hate him now.

And then, Cruz delivered those fateful words: “Vote your conscience.”

The boos and interruptions never ceased after that, with chants of “We want Trump!”

He concluded with a call to unity: “The case we have to make to the American people … is to commit to each of them that we will defend freedom and be faithful to the Constitution.”

But Cruz left the stage having divided the party.

Update: A Cruz supporter told Breitbart News: “I think it was entirely selfish. I think he’s ruined his future. Everybody was right about him. It’s a character thing.”

Another attendee described Cruz’s address as a “slap in the face” and “toying with the convention.”

Reactions were even harsher behind the scenes. Dana Bash of CNN reports that Cruz entered a donor suite at the arena after the speech, and was told, to his face, that he was a “disgrace.” One man was so angry at Cruz that he had to be “physically restrained,” and Heidi Cruz had to be escorted from the convention floor because of heckling by Trump delegates.

It’s really not a good sign for a politician’s future when his own people at his own party convention have to be restrained from curb-stomping him.

I really can’t get across how bad this was without subjecting you to his awful speech, so here we go.

Was that bad, or was that bad?

The crowd, when not angrily booing to the point that a Mississippi Rope Party seemed imminent, was rabidly chanting “ENDORSE TRUMP, ENDORSE TRUMP!”

Ted wouldn’t listen.

Though he tries to portray himself as an outside-the-beltway non-establishment guy, Ted is the epitome of the GOP fat cat, sitting in smoky back rooms, making decisions for the stupid voters. Everyone told him to endorse Trump. Breitbart reported that even his own staffers were literally begging him to do it.

But Ted thought he knew better. After all his massive fails throughout his primary campaign, he still thinks he has the inside track to the White House.

Ted Cruz speaks at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Maryland

There’s a name for someone like that.

Roger Stone summed it up nicely last night after this holocaust of boos – Ted Cruz ‘is a dumb son of a bitch!’