Cuck Faggots and Rat Kikes Trying to Cockblock Nazi Leader Spencer from Speaking at Texas A&M!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 25, 2016


As the greatest storm of positive publicity to ever surround the Alt-Right continues, faggots at some crappy university are trying to SHUT DOWN heroic Nazi leader Richard Spencer.

ABC News:

Word of a forthcoming speech to be delivered by white nationalist Richard Spencer at Texas A&M University next month has jolted many at the school and its surrounding community, sparking multiple petitions that have already accrued thousands of signatures — including one calling for the university to cancel the speech.

Spencer recently gained national media attention after The Atlantic posted a video of a speech he gave at the Ronald Reagan Building in Washington, D.C., for the annual conference of the National Policy Institute, a white nationalist think tank that is headed by Spencer.

In the video, he declared, “Hail Trump, hail our people, hail victory!” and members of the crowd can be seen throwing up their hands in a Nazi salute.

Texas A&M spokesperson Amy B. Smith on Wednesday said in a statement to The Battalion, the university’s student newspaper, that Spencer’s views were not shared by the university, but added that there was little it could do to stop him from speaking on campus.

“Private citizens are permitted to reserve space available to the public as we are a public university,” the official said.


If they tried to literally cockblock Richard Spencer, he would roll through the gates in a PANZER TANK!


You’re going to need tactical nukes to stop Richard Spencer, you filthy kikes!

Spencer is expected to speak at Texas A&M on Dec. 6, according to The Battalion.

One petition denouncing Spencer’s appearance at the school, posted on, has collected well over 7,000 signatures.

The petition originally asked Texas A&M to cancel Spencer’s speech, but now features a correction that acknowledges the university’s statement to The Battalion.

“It should be known that Texas A&M University was not the inviting party for this speaker and were unaware this event was taking place on campus. A private donor is holding this event under Class 5: non-Texas A&M University-related use of public space,” the petition said. “While it seems that canceling this event may not be possible, we can still send the message, loud and clear, that hatred is not tolerated by the Aggie community.

The host of the event is Preston Wiginton, a white nationalist who the Southern Poverty Law Center, an advocacy group that monitors hate crimes and hate speech, claims has rented an apartment from former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke.

Yes, quote the SPLC again, Jew media.

Your crediblity has reached the level of the SPLC, so you’ve got nothing to lose.


The kikes are also raging.


Jewish groups and leaders urged a Texas university not to allow the founder of a white supremacist think tank to speak on campus.

Rabbi Matt Rosenberg, who leads the campus Hillel, called on his Twitter followers on Tuesday to report the event, sharing a link to a university web page that praised campus diversity and condemned hate.

“I think for the vast majority of students, even though it’s a conservative student body, they’re definitely against people like (Spencer),” Rosenberg told The Houston Chronicle.

The Anti-Defamation League released a statement on Wednesday saying it was “concerned” about Spencer’s planned speech and urged people not to attend the event.

Ronald Lauder, President of the World Jewish Congress, called on Texas A&M to cancel the event.

“This man is one of the worst hatemongers in America, and his white supremacist and other bigoted ideas are sickening. I urge the university to deny him access to any facilities on campus,” Lauder said Thursday in a statement.


I encourage everyone in Texas to attend this event and show your support for Richard Spencer.

Also – I’m about to do a university tour.

Can I do that?

If you know if it would be possible for me to do that, please post in the comments.