Cuck Ryan Tries to Walk It Back. It’s Not Happening, Paul. Not Gonna Happen.

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 9, 2016

The sickening anti-American traitor Paul Ryan has come out and tried to draw himself near to Trump and our movement.

But this isn’t going to happen.

I have said that I think it would be deliciously condescending to pardon Hillary after her conviction for treason.

But not Ryan. We he is convicted of treason, he needs to be executed.

This man literally tried to bring down America, to allow it to be taken over and conquered by Mexico and ISIS, while claiming to represent Whites.

He is a traitor.

He is much worse than Hillary Clinton, who is an open enemy.

Fox News:

House Speaker Paul Ryan vowed Wednesday to help lead a “unified Republican government” with Donald Trump as president, promising Americans that the entire party can now work “hand in hand” to solve the country’s problems.

Ryan’s remarks extended an olive branch to Trump, the GOP president-elect with whom he’s had an up-and-down relationship since the start of the 2016 election cycle.

The Wisconsin congressman and leader of the GOP-controlled House said that he’d already spoken twice with Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence, a former House member whom Ryan praised for his like-minded conservative principles.

Ryan’s comments also came before returning to Capitol Hill next week to address challenges like ObamaCare and passing a federal budget to avoid a looming government shutdown. And they came amid a divided House Republican Conference, which had already been at odds over the populist, anti-establishment message that Trump will bring to Washington in January.

“With a unified Republican government, we can fix these problems,” Ryan said Wednesday at a press conference in Wisconsin. “What I see is great potential. What I see is a unified government.”

Ryan and Trump have had an uneasy relationship since the start of Trump’s improbable outsider campaign, which began with him vanquishing 16 major candidates in the GOP presidential primaries.

The relationship was at its worst in early October when Ryan said he would stop campaigning for Trump after the release of a 2005 audiotape in which Trump is heard making lewd comments regarding women.

However, Ryan voted for Trump and on Wednesday said he’d spoken to the president-elect twice since he was declared the winner overnight.

“He turned politics on its head,” Ryan said from Wisconsin. “We will work hand in hand.”

No you won’t, Ryan.

You’ll be lucky if you get to work hand in hand on a license plate pressing machine, buddy.

Others who will be tried for treason:

  • John McCain
  • John Kasich
  • Ted Cruz
  • Everyone Republican who faked outrage about grab them by the pussy

These people are now target number one. We have to clean house.

The other number one target are the fake Alt-Right, such as Gavin McInnes. Forced to draw back the battle lines, the Jews are going to make these people into the new mainstream “conservative” media establishment.

More on that late. It’s all getting stepped up. We have pushed the line so far forward, but we have to keep pushing. Hard. We have to destroy these people.