Cuck Teacher is Outraged That Internet Trolls Said Mean Words About His Black Attacker

Zhuantina Hayes.

Last month, a 17-year-old Black female student named Zhuantina Hayes stabbed a 24-year-old White male substitute teacher at Corcoran High School in Syracuse, New York. Apparently, the Negress got into a fight with another student and the teacher tried to break it up.

He ended up being enriched with a sharp, vibrant knife.

Despite losing a significant amount of blood, the teacher recovered and is now giving the press his side of the story – and it isn’t quite what we were hoping.


Ryan Elsenbeck, stabbed twice by a student while working as a substitute in Syracuse, refuses to give up on teaching.

The 24-year-old is still recovering from stab wounds to the chest and arm that he suffered trying to break up a fight May 25 in a Corcoran High School hallway.

He can’t quite play his guitar like he used to, or give a thumbs up. His hand gets tired just from writing his signature. Doctors are working to determine whether he’ll regain full use of his right arm.

But Elsenbeck’s spirit hasn’t been dampened. Being stabbed inches from your heart puts things in perspective, he said.

He worries more about damage to the school’s reputation than his own injuries. In the aftermath, he’s been disgusted by racist, dehumanizing comments he’s heard about students, and outraged that his misfortune has been used to demonize the kids he loved to teach.

So, instead of getting a swastika tattooed across his chest and curb-stomping as many wild niggers as possible, which most psychologists agree is the natural response to being stabbed by uppity coloreds, Mr. Estrogenbeck saved his anger for the Internet trolls that said mean words about his attackers.


I guess it was bound to happen. If a White man is prepared to teach at a 65 percent Black school like Corcoran, he probably swallowed the “oppressed Blacks that require salvation” narrative hooked-nose, line and sinker.

I like to think that in an alternate universe, Ryan Elsenbeck took a different path.

Elsenbeck’s upbringing taught him differently. The son of a teacher and a police officer, his instinct is to run into the chaos to help solve a problem, not away from it.

Elsenbeck sees issues of crime and violence in the city, and discipline in the schools, as something to be solved, not just complained about.

What is wrong with these people? You don’t apply White solutions to Black problems!

It’s not possible for Whites to save Blacks from their own dysfunction, and even if we could, why would we? Aiding rival tribes at the expense of our own is the epitome of treason.

Unfortunately, our Judaized societies brainwash young people like Ryan Elsenbeck to think like obedient, colorblind goyim from birth. In extreme cases, that brainwashing leads to the kind of cuckoldry that Elsenbeck exhibits.