Cuckold Faggot Paul Joseph Watson Claimed Trump was an Illuminati Shill Until September, 2015

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 24, 2016

Paul Joseph Watson and his Jew-run Infowars shill operation were claiming all the way up until last September that Donald Trump was part of a secret non-Jewish Illuminati conspiracy plot.

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This video is from August 7, 2015:

Conversely, the Daily Stormer endorsed Trump in June, just after his announcement speech.

And yet the cucked-out little bitch Watson has the nerve to claim the Alt-Right are “plants.”

Infowars also endorsed black rioters against the white cops in Ferguson, before switching that up. Alex Jones has also said he’s fine with America becoming a brown country as long as the brown people who come in and conquer us believe in the Constitution.

Look – I don’t even look at Infowars as necessarily a bad thing. They do a lot of good stuff, overall, these days. Because their hand was forced, they supported Trump. And they are now against the blacks. They’ve even posted some stuff about Jews.

However, let’s be clear: it is a money-making scam. These people don’t care about anything. They are marketers, without any sort of principles or beliefs in anything. They are a joke.

They used to push non-stop conspiracy tinfoil insanity about chemtrails and satellites that could read your thoughts. Because there was money in that. Now, they push Alt-Lite material because there is money in that.

I take a realpolitik view on this – if they’re pushing stuff that helps our narrative, then okay. Whatever. But don’t ever get confused: these people only care about one thing, and that is money.

The Daily Stormer on the other hand only cares about a different one thing: stopping these kikes.