Cuckold GOP Vows Revenge Against Hero Steve King for Declaring Supremacy of White Race!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 14, 2019

Steve “Ol’ Blue Eyes Master Race” King

Because of course.

Any time that anyone in the GOP expresses sentiment in support of the white race, the GOP must attack itself, because it is actually also a leftist organization that simply has right-wing members.


The top Republican in the House vowed Sunday that “action will be taken” after Iowa GOP Rep. Steve King’s recent comment about white supremacy and white nationalism.

“That language has no place in America,” California GOP Rep. Kevin McCarthy said on CBS’ “Face the Nation.”

He continued, “That is not the America I know, and it is most definitely not the party of Lincoln. I have a scheduled meeting with him on Monday, and I will tell you this: I’ve watched on the other side that they do not take action when their members say something like this. Action will be taken. I’m having a serious conversation with Congressman Steve King on his future and role in this Republican Party.”

King has faced criticism after he told The New York Times that he thought it was wrong white nationalism and white supremacy were considered offensive.

“White nationalist, white supremacist, Western civilization — how did that language become offensive?” King said.
He later said he is “simply a nationalist” and condemned “anyone that supports this evil and bigoted ideology” of white nationalism and white supremacy.

King himself cucked.

Just so you understand.

His original comments were great, and he obviously knew what he was doing by giving these comments, but he cucked strategically.

I am not even against strategic cucking. That is what it is. I don’t think he could have pressed the issue of white supremacy – he just put it out there.

I wish he would have done it on video instead of to the New York Times with no video.

McCarthy did not say specifically what action would be taken, but stressed the point on Sunday.

“I will not stand back as a leader of this party, believing in this nation that all are created equal, that that stands or continues to stand and have any role with us,” McCarthy said.

This nation where all negroes are created equal to all white men, and also retards are equal to non-retards and there is literally no difference between one individual and another – where also, funnily enough, the people who founded the country were all WHITE slave-owners.

And also, a country where the original law of citizenship only allowed “white men of good character” to become citizens.

A country that almost faced an internal revolt over the decision to allow the drunken bog-trotting Irish to become citizens.

If people like Kevin McCarthy want to spread their race equality bullshit, that is apparently their right.

But they should not be allowed to get away with claiming that the Founding Fathers believed in such gibberish. These were men of science, men of character, and learned men. It is outright defamation to claim that they believed that negroes should have rights, or that America should be overrun by brown sludge from the third world.

We can have the discussion – okay.

Let’s have the discussion.

But it needs to be a good faith discussion, and when you are claiming that the Founding Fathers supported your race equality voodoo, you are simply lying.

There is no person on earth which can look at this disagreement between Steve King and Kevin McCarthy and not know for an absolute fact that the Founding Fathers would have ALL been staunchly on the side of Steve King. Whether or not that makes McCarthy a traitor deserving to be tried as such is up for discussion, but the fact that if we were to time-warp the Founders here they would agree with King is not a matter for discussion.

It is an indisputable fact of reality, and if we are pretending otherwise, we are simply engaged in fantasy-mongering.

Also, the latino immigrant Ted Cruz attacked Steve King.

Who exactly are these people arguing on behalf of?

Who are they trying to prove something to?

The Democrats or some muddled, vague body of Republican voters who find it SIMPLY OUTRAGEOUS that someone would believe that the white race should be supreme in a nation founded by and for white people?

I understand where we are as a society, and I understand how filled with fear these people are of being crushed by the Jewish media. However, it is well within the power of Kevin McCarthy and Ted Cruz, when asked about the white supremacy of Steve King, to simply say, “well, we are a big party and have people with different views, I don’t agree with Steve King’s views, but he’s entitled to believe what he wants to believe.”

It’s that simple.

That protects you from whatever cuck Republican voters may exist, it protects you from the Jewish media – and most importantly, it protects you from attacking your own party and cockblocking the far-right column that should allow less explicit parts of the party to act.