Cucks, Kikes and Traitors Demand Terrorists Flood in to Slaughter Americans

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 6, 2017

The forces of darkness are aligning to call for terrorists to flood into America and slaughter white people on the streets.

We need martial law and we need it quickly.

Washington Post:

Fresh challenges to President Trump’s court-frozen immigration order took shape Monday with two former secretaries of state claiming the White House was undermining national security and nearly 100 Silicon Valley tech companies arguing it will keep the best minds from coming to America.

The powerful new voices were added with another legal showdown coming as early as Monday. The suspension of the order, meanwhile, has allowed those previously banned more time to try to reach the United States.

A decision Sunday by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit preserved a lower judge’s order to temporarily halt the ban — and based on a schedule the court outlined, the stop will remain in place at least until sometime on Monday. The Justice Department said it would not elevate the dispute to the Supreme Court before that.

Trump responded to the development Sunday by writing on Twitter that he had “instructed Homeland Security to check people coming into our country VERY CAREFULLY.” A Department of Homeland Security spokeswoman did not immediately return messages seeking comment on how, practically, that screening would be implemented.

“Just cannot believe a judge would put our country in such peril,” Trump wrote. “If something happens blame him and court system. People pouring in. Bad!”

Trump further came to the defense of his stalled order Monday. In a tweet, Trump dismissed as “fake news” various polls showing solid opposition to the executive order. “Sorry,” Trump wrote, “people want border security and extreme vetting.”

Of course it’s fake news.

Do you remember the polls that said Hillary was going to win by 14%?

Do you remember that?

Because I remember that.

How can anyone possibly trust these media Jews and their fake polls at this point?

I mean, just imagine the thinking: “Oh yeah, no, Jewish media is totally legit. They’ve a proven record of telling the truth and nothing but the truth to the stupid goyim.”

The next few days will be telling for the future of the president’s executive order. The states of Washington and Minnesota, which are challenging the ban, asked the appeals court in the wee hours of Monday to keep the ban suspended, and Justice Department lawyers have until 6 p.m. to respond. The court will then schedule a hearing or rule whether the ban should remain on hold.

Early Monday, two former secretaries of state — John F. Kerry and Madeline Albright — joined a six-page joint statement saying Trump’s order “undermines” national security and will “endanger U.S. troops in the field.” The rare declaration, addressed to the 9th Circuit, was also backed by top former national security officials including Leon Panetta, who served as a past CIA director and defense secretary during the Obama administration.

Kerry and Albright are not simply two Jews – they are two Jews who claimed not to know they were Jews until they were adults.

Hours earlier, a host of technology giants — including Apple, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Netflix, Twitter, Uber — were part of a “friend of the court” legal brief by 97 companies opposing the Trump administration’s immigration order.

The brief claimed the order was a “significant departure” from U.S. immigration polices and “makes it more difficult and expensive for U.S. companies to recruit, hire, and retain some of the world’s best employees.”

That list again, folks:

  • Iraq
  • Iran
  • Syria
  • Yemen
  • Sudan
  • Libya
  • Somalia

Tell me, Silicon Valley – which one of these countries are you currently actively recruiting in?

This is simply a stupid lie.

I could understand if the block included India or even Pakistan – I am obviously against those people coming into the country as well, but it would at least make some logical sense as Silicon Valley does hire from these countries in order to undercut American workers.

But I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say that I think you would be hard pressed to find a single Somalian working at Google.

In the meantime, people who had been stranded in legal limbo rushed to fly back to the United States. Some successfully reunited with family members, while others — particularly those whose visas were physically taken or marked as invalid — ran into roadblocks trying to board planes overseas. At Dulles International Airport in Northern Virginia on Sunday, immigration lawyers could be heard on phones, arguing with airline representatives to let their passengers board as some seemed confused over the various court rulings and what they meant.

What lies ahead is likely to be a weeks-long battle that will be waged in courtrooms across the country over whether Trump’s ban can pass legal muster. Federal courts in New York, California and elsewhere have blocked aspects of the ban from being implemented, although one federal judge in Massachusetts declared that he did not think that challengers had demonstrated that they had a high likelihood of success. The lawsuits now stretch from D.C. to Hawaii, and the number seems to grow regularly.

The Trump administration has been steadfast in its support of the executive order, which it says is necessary for national security, and the president himself tweeted repeatedly his disdain for the judge in Washington state who put a stop to it.

Have you seen this cuck?

How could you have anything but disdain for him?

He chants “Black Lives Matter” in court and has adopted gook children.

He is the lowest filth on the planet. Look how fat he is.

The slimy scumbag Ben Sasse is out there shilling for terrorism as well.

And attacking Russia, of course.

These sickening, filthy animals are rushing into our country.

At best they want to steal from us – why else would they not remain in their own countries, or go to a country that has a similar culture?

These diseased animals must be put out!

This is not a free money haven!

It is not a rape festival!