Curmudgeony Boomer Hayden Blames Ungrateful Millennials for CIA Leaks

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 8, 2017

This is pretty funny.

Baby boomer former CIA director Michael Hayden went on British TV and blamed Millennials for the latest leaks and leaks in general.

I don’t mean to judge them at all, but this group of Millennials and related groups simply have different understandings of the words loyalty, secrecy and transparency than my generation did. So we bring these people into the agency – good Americans all, I can only assume – but again, culturally, they have different instincts than the people who made the decision to hire them and we may be running into this different cultural approach that we saw with Chelsea Manning, with Edward Snowden and now perhaps with a third actor.

The thing about that is that he’s right.

It is also typical boomer whining – “they don’t appreciate all that we’ve done for them” – but the argument is real in this case.

People are literally doing interviews at the CIA and trying to keep a straight-face as they sit there thinking about Bane memes.

I guarantee some guy getting interviewed at the CIA used this line when asked some question about how he views loyalty and responsibility.

Our entire generation is thinking differently than these people. Fundamentally different. We have an entire different conception of what it means to be man in the universe.

Even the Millennials who are not shitlords. Millennial SJWs even – they are unmanageable by the system.

And we are now at the point where these boomers are getting past the age where they can run things without employing us.

Things are changing.

Whether they like it or not.