Czech FM Says Moslem Integration has Failed

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 18, 2016


Lubomir Zaorálek

Another one of those “no one could have predicted it” type things, right?


The Czech foreign minister has slammed mass Muslim migration to Europe. Lubomir Zaorálek defended Eastern Europe’s hardline approach to the migrant crisis, pointed to Paris and declared: “Don’t tell us that integration has succeeded”.

In a wide ranging interview, Mr. Zaorálek said the Czechs feared Muslim migrants would create Islamised ghettos. The pro-Europe minister also slammed the “politicised” European Commission for “pouring oil on the fire” which is destabilising Europe.

There is no question they will form ghettos. It’s what they do everywhere they go.

There is an absolute zero chance of them not doing it.

Mr. Zaorálek said the Czech Republic accepted the migrant quota that the European Union (EU) imposed on them, but said the quotas are the “wrong approach”. Of those the country has taken so far, Mr. Zaorálek said many of them quickly left for Germany, which, the foreign minister says, poses questions.

He said: “It is an absolutely alien environment, they have no family, no infrastructure, nothing that could satisfy their religious needs.

“They had the feeling of being total strangers here. Now, if an automatic mechanism would specify that we should take 3,000 people per year, then the problem is not that we couldn’t take them, but what are they doing here?

That is indeed the $6,000,000 question.

What in the hell are these people doing in Europe?

The Czech politician looked to Western Europe to illustrate the problems caused by mass Muslim migration. Noting the Islamised ghettos of Brussels and Paris, Mr. Zaorálek said the idea of admitting several thousand migrants a year to the Czech Republic makes the population feel anxious. He said when Czechs watch television and look at Western Europe they see terror attacks.

“Then people say,” he told the interviewer at Die Welt, “‘they shouldn’t merely tell us that integration has been successful.

It’s called “lying.” It’s an untrue statement someone makes intentionally when they wish to deceive someone else, usually for personal gain.


It is also commonly referred to as “Jew-speak.”

Die Welt asked Mr. Zaorálek whether the majority of Czechs therefore reject immigration from Muslim countries. The minister replied that the prevailing feeling in the country is: “Why should we be tolerant of someone who has no tolerance for us?

“We would therefore have a misunderstanding if we now decide to accept the existing quotas without knowing how the situation will develop further.

“Because of this fear, such a solution [of indefinite EU-imposed quotas of migrants] would not be viable.”


What’re you going to do about it, buddy?

As you’re talking – and looking good in front of the people – the wheel in the sky keeps on turning and the gang-raping terrorist quotas keep on rising.

There’s only one solution here, to be honest fam.