D-Day in Greece: Nai or Oxi?

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 5, 2015


It is D-Day in Greece. If this is even real, which is debatable. It may well be that Greeks will vote “no” and then the IMF will just offer new terms which aren’t quite as brutal.

My hope is for a full exit, obviously. Maybe it will be the apocalypse we’ve been waiting for, or maybe it won’t, but what it will mean is that the entire basis of the EU will be questioned, and all of these minor states are going to want out.

Right now, no one knows what the results will be. People are predicting both. I personally can’t imagine Greeks will vote “yes,” but the Jew media has been drumming up the apocalypse scenario so maybe it’s possible.

In reality, the apocalypse has already come to Greece, and all they are doing is prolonging the misery by staying in the Eurozone. There is no way they can, now or eventually, pay back these debts, so technically they have to pull-out sometime, because Merkel and these Jews sure as hell aren’t going to write them off.

We wait patiently for the decision of the Greek people.