Daily Beast Asks: Is Bloomberg Betting Hillary Gets Indicted?

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 25, 2016


A couple days ago, Bloomberg came out and said he might run for President. I said the only way that makes sense is if he believes Hillary is going to be swallowed by her massive criminal scandals.

The Daily Beast is echoing this today:

Let’s assume that Bloomberg was aghast at the email situation last year, but that it’s faded, and he’s now decided he’d be fine with a Clinton presidency even as he explores a bid of his own. Okay. But even this brings us to another thought—that maybe Bloomberg thinks there’s some chance Clinton might be indicted sometime soon.

If you were shocked to read that sentence, you’re clearly not reading enough conservative web sites. Let me say up front here that while I have no idea of the status of the ongoing FBI investigation into the email business, I would be really surprised to see this happen.

This Charles McCullough, the intelligence community inspector general who keeps retroactively stamping “classified” on emails Clinton read or wrote when she was secretary, and who originally notified the executive branch last July that classified information might exist on Clinton’s server, sure seems to be an aggressive sort.

I think it’s a farfetched scenario myself. An ex-prosecutor friend tells me that a crime would require criminal intent.

Just a note here: That’s a retarded statement. All types of crimes don’t require “criminal intent,” including serious crimes such as manslaughter.

Presumably, the overwhelming majority of crimes are committed without “criminal intent.”

That having been said, Clinton clearly did have “criminal intent,” as there is simply know way she didn’t know it was a felony to keep work material – including above “top secret” material – on a private server in her bathroom.

I have said before that I have a friend who is a public high school teacher, and he has it rammed down his throat at every staff meeting that they aren’t allowed to use their gmail or Facebook accounts to communicate with other teachers or staff members about anything that happens at school.

“Hillary didn’t know her private server was illegal” is even more ridiculous than “these Moslems don’t know gang-rape is illegal.”

If you talk to plugged-in liberals, they say forget it, ridiculous. If you talk to plugged-in conservatives, they, well, they at least hope it’s going to happen, think it clearly ought to happen, and maybe this week, i.e., before Democrats start casting votes. If nothing else, a non-indictment gives them all a chance to caterwaul for another few months (or years) about how the Clintons keep getting away with things and go raise money off that.

And what if these conservatives happen to be right? Well, when I’ve discussed this with liberals, most people think Joe Biden is the automatic Plan B. John Kerry gets a few mentions, on the grounds that he tried it once before, but that strikes me as a minus, not a plus. In any case, Democrats I’ve discussed this with all assume they rally behind a new establishment-type candidate rather than throwing in their eggs with Bernie. Or maybe they could rally to a Bloomberg bid, since many, many Democrats represent districts where a Sanders endorsement could hurt them. And don’t forget, the above scenario seems to assume that Clinton under such circumstances would just stop in her tracks. Not sure we can assume that.

I hope, and believe, all this will remain hypothetical. I just bet it’s rattling around in Bloomberg’s cage somewhere.

I believe this is the only reason Bloomberg would have made this statement. The Daily Beast writer, Michael Tomasky, appears to agree with me. It would make no sense otherwise. Biden and Sanders are both unelectable. Bloomberg could at least put up a fight against Trump.

Tomasky rightly points out that the right keep saying that it is inevitable that she gets indicted, while the left keeps saying it’s impossible.

I have to assume not only that Bloomberg is thinking along these lines, but also that he has information that we don’t have. He is one of the most connected people on the planet, so this would only be logical – he would have objective analysis, as well as insider connections telling him what exactly is going on with the FBI investigation into Clinton’s bathroom server conspiracy.

It would be so fantastic to see Clinton go down. I dream of seeing her in cuffs, being marched in front of people by police in Black masks after she’s been pulled out of her bed at 4 am.

However, I almost think it might be better to see her get destroyed by Trump. Along with the criminality, he is going to bring up all of these Bill Clinton sex scandals which will almost certainly result in a Cosby-style mass coming-out of women he’s had affairs with, some of whom will presumably have been under-age at the time.

Whatever happens next with Madam Clinton, it’s going to be fun.