Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 4, 2016

The initial Jewish plan to deal with Donald Trump was simply to call everyone who supports him a racist. Now, it has turned out that this doesn’t work anymore, and calling people racists for wanting to have borders and not wanting to get killed by Moslems simply pushes them further to the right.
One would have thought some Jew could have done a study and figured that out before the entire media rallied and pushed this “you goyim are all racists!” narrative. But I guess Jews generally aren’t quite as clever as they used to be.
They also just can’t help themselves.
In a monumental backtracking, the Jews of the Daily Beast are coming out and saying it was a mistake to call everyone a racist – not just during the Trump campaign, but for the last two decades.
The American left created Donald Trump.
When I say “the left,” I do not mean the Democratic Party—or, solely the Democratic Party. Rather, the pestilence that is the Trump campaign is the result of a conglomeration of political, academic, media, and cultural elites who for decades have tried to act as the arbiters of acceptable public debate and shut down any political expression from Americans with whom they disagree. They, more than anyone else, created Donald Trump’s candidacy and the increasingly hideous movement he now leads.
It’s pointless to try to explain Trump in terms of political platforms because Trump himself is too stupid and too incoherent to have any kind of consistent political views about anything beyond hating minorities and immigrants.
“This billionaire is a straight-retard racist hater.”
These people really need new memes. Funny that in an article admitting that the “you’re all racists” meme has failed, they would continue to use even worse memes.
“Stupid billionaire” is one of the worst memes ever.
To understand Trump’s seemingly effortless seizure of the public spotlight, forget about programs, and instead zero in on the one complaint that seems to unite all of the disparate angry factions gravitating to him: political correctness. This, more than anything, is how the left created Trump.
I am not referring here to the daily political correctness that became normal after the 1970s, the reflexive self-editing that we’ve all learned to do, almost unconsciously, in the name of being nice to other people.
Today, however, we have a new, more virulent political correctness that terrorizes both liberals and conservatives, old-line Democrats and Republicans, alike. This form of political correctness is distinctly illiberal; indeed, it is not liberalism at all but Maoism circa the Cultural Revolution.
But hey: this is the future you chose.
There was no other place “you have to regulate your own thoughts and the speech of those around you so it never hurts anyone’s feelings” could have gone other than full-Orwell.
The extremist adherents of this new political correctness have essentially taken a flamethrower to the public space and annihilated its center. Topics in American life that once were the legitimate subjects of debate between liberals and conservative are now off-limits and lead to immediate attack by the cultural establishment if raised at all. Any incorrect position, any expression of the Constitutional right to a different opinion, or even just a slip of the tongue can lead to public ostracism and the loss of a job. (Just ask Brendan Eich.) There is a huge vacuum left by this leftist attack on speech, and it Trump is filling it.
Gay marriage is a good example. Liberals wanted gay marriage to win in the Supreme Court, and it did. Leftists wanted more: to silence their opponents even after those opponents completely lost on the issue. Ugly language that good liberals would normally deplore emerged not in the wake of defeat, but of victory: actor and gay activist George Takei, for example, actually called Justice Clarence Thomas a “clown in blackface” and said Thomas had “abdicated” his status as an African-American.
I could reel off many other examples. When the New York Times tells the rubes that it’s time to hand in their guns, when The Washington Post suggests that Jesus is ashamed of them for not welcoming Syrian refugees the week after a terrorist attack, people react not because they love guns or hate Syrians, but because their natural urge to being told by coastal liberals that they’re awful people and that they should just obey and shut up is to issue a certain Anglo-Saxon verb and pronoun combination with all the vigor they can muster. And if they can’t say it themselves, they’ll find someone who will, even if it’s a crude jerk from Queens who can’t make a point without raising his pinky like a Mafia goon explaining the vig to you after you’ve had a bad day at the track.
These brutish leftist tactics radicalized otherwise more centrist people towards Trump not because they care so much about gay marriage or guns or refugees any other issue, but because they’re terrified that they’re losing the basic right to express themselves. Many of these people are not nearly as conservative or extreme as the white supremacists, nativists, and other assorted fringe nuts who are riding along on Trump’s ego trip. But they are cheering on Trump because they feel they have nowhere else to go. And for that, liberals—especially those who have politely looked away as such methods were employed in the public square—must directly shoulder the blame.
Let’s note here that this is all accurate, but it is hardly the whole of what is going on with the Trump campaign. Though the author is presenting a real idea, this is yet another attempt by the left to relegate the Trump Train to a phenomenon of mass-psychology, rather than something which presents very important and very real issues.
People do love the political incorrectness, and it is fueling the engines of the Trump Train, and I am glad Daily Beast is admitting this. But what the liberals/Jews will not admit is that the issues Trump is bringing up are very real. Immigration, Islam, trade, the Middle East wars, etc. are true existential threats.
The great mistake made by both liberals and their most extreme wing on American left is to assume that ordinary people, once corrected forcefully enough, will comply with their new orders. This is, of course, ridiculous: Americans do not magically become complacent and accepting multiculturalists just because they’ve been bullied out of the public debate. They will find a new vessel for their views, and will become more extreme with each attempt to shut them down as the issue moves from particular social positions to the far more encompassing problem of who has the right to tell whom to shut up, and to make it stick. Nixon’s “Silent Majority” increasingly feels itself to be a silenced majority, and Trump is their solution.
This is probably the biggest instance of backtracking in the face of a backlash explosion that I’ve ever seen.
But, it is just one guy – Tom Nichols (don’t know if Jew) – who is like “guys, we went too far.” The Jew hivemind as a whole has zero capacity to imagine that they have gone too far, which is why they’ve been kicked out of over a hundred countries. They always, always, always eventually go too far.
And that is really the core of the Trump phenomenon: The Jews pushed us too hard, too fast.